Liverpool shakes, home undefeated 68 games finish… No score for 4 consecutive games

Liverpool ended their undefeated home march after losing to underdog Burnley. © AFP=News1

Premier League defending champion Liverpool is shaking. Along with the disappointing content that he scored no goals for four consecutive league games, his undefeated march at the home stadium Anfield also took a break.

Liverpool lost 0-1 in the 19th round of the 2020-21 English Premier League (EPL) against Burnley at Anfield in Liverpool, England on the morning of the 22nd (Korean time). It is the first time Liverpool have lost their home game in 69 games since their defeat against Crystal Palace in 2017.

Ahead of the game, Liverpool coach Jürgen Klopp “I’m not worried about the recent sluggish trend”, but Liverpool’s performance was not like that of Liverpool.

Liverpool scored a 7-0. But unfortunately, after a great victory, the grades are not good.

Liverpool, who drew 1-1 against West Bromwich Albion on December 28, ended in a 0-0 draw on their Newcastle expedition three days later. Liverpool, who lost 0-1 in the match against Southampton on the 5th of the new year’s first game, were helpless with a 0-0 home game on the 18th against rival Manchester United. This day was no different.

In the face of Burnley, which is staying in the lower ranks, Liverpool took the initiative from the beginning and pushed hard. However, the recent repetition of the’ineffective market share game’ has been repeated. It was a sign of anxiety that a good chance, which was hit in the 42nd minute of the first half, hit the goal.

Coach Klopp tried to score goals by putting Mohamed Salah and Pirminu, who were waiting on the bench in the 11th minute of the second half, but couldn’t achieve the goal until the end. It collapsed in a single scene.

Burnley, who had been pushed all the way down but never conceded, scored the goal first in the second half of the half. Burnley striker Barnes stumbles into Alison’s goalkeeper inside the Liverpool box and a penalty kick is announced. And, with Vans’ own success, it broke Liverpool’s homelessness.

On this day, Liverpool led the game by 70-30 and shot 27 attempts, but failed to score again and lowered their head. Four consecutive games in the regular league scoreless and five games are drawn, Liverpool are shaking.

Liverpool are in 4th place after 9 wins, 7 draws, 3 losses and 34 points. It’s a 6 point difference from the lead Manchester United (12 wins, 4 draws, 3 losses, 40 points) and 1 point from Tottenham, the fifth place (9 wins, 6 draws, 3 losses, 33 points), who played one less than theirs.

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