Liverpool Relegation Fulham Knees with 01… Shock Anfield 6th straight victory

Liverpool kneels 0-1 to relegation Fulham…  Shock's'Anfield 6 consecutive defeats'

England’s professional football Premier League (EPL) defending champion Liverpool was humiliated by’Anfield’s 6th straight victory after losing to Fulham in the relegation zone.

Liverpool lost 0-1 in their home game in the 2020-2021 EPL round 27 against Fulham at Anfield in Liverpool, England on the 7th (local time).

Liverpool lost their second straight victory, staying at 43 points and ranked 7th.

The most painful thing is that Liverpool lost their 6th straight victory at Anfield, their home stadium, after losing to Fulham.

Liverpool, who lost 0-1 in their home game against Chelsea on the 5th and recorded their fifth consecutive home in the club’s history, experienced an unfortunate moment when their Anfield lost their record to six games.

In addition, Liverpool have continued their sluggish draw (2 draws and 6 losses) for 8 consecutive games at home.

According to Opta, a football statistics website, it has been 67 years since Liverpool scored 6 losses at home games (9-10 draws, 23 losses) in the 1953-1954 season.

However, at the time, 6 losses were not like this season.

Liverpool kneels 0-1 to relegation Fulham…  Shock's'Anfield 6 consecutive defeats'

Fulham scored the winning goal in the 45th minute of the first half with a free kick taken near the right side of the Liverpool camp penalty area.

A free kick from Ivan Kavaleiro hit the defender, and the moment Liverpool’s Muhammad Salach grabbed the ball from the right side of the penalty area, Fulham’s Mario Remina took the ball under pressure and fired a strong right-footed shot.

Liverpool dominated the ball share with 63%-37%, and in the number of shots, they were 16 (3 effective shots)-10 (3 effective shots). I chewed it.

/yunhap news

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