“Live ammunition in the head of Myanmar protesters”… NLD’s company also color (general)

On the 9th, protesters in Yangon, Myanmar’s largest city, shouted to overthrow the military by wearing plastic bags to avoid being hit by police water cannons. © AFP=News1

Local media reports reported that the Myanmar police fired live ammunition at protesters protesting the ruling of the military.

Local media’Myanmar Now’ cited a doctor who requested anonymity, and reported that a 30-year-old man and a 19-year-old woman were in serious condition when the police fired live ammunition at a protester in the capital Naepido.

Reuters also cited a doctor at the Nephido hospital, saying that one woman suffered a fatal head injury and the chances of survival were low.

“The patient hasn’t died yet, is in the emergency room, and is 100% fatal,” Lee said.

It is reported that three injured people who are believed to have been struck by rubber bullets are also being treated.

On the 9th, protesters protesting the ruling of the military in Naepido, the capital of Myanmar, confront the riot police. © AFP=News1

In the midst of this, the company of the National League for Democratic Peoples Alliance (NLD) led by state adviser Aung San Suu Kyi was seized and searched by the police on the 9th. According to Reuters, the NLD lawmakers said that 12 police raided the company late at night.

In Myanmar, large-scale protests have continued for four days in Yangon, the largest city, the capital Naepido, and Mandalay, the second city.

Even though the military regime proclaimed martial law and banned more than five members of the assembly and night traffic, citizens poured into the streets and cried out to overthrow the military.

The riot police responded with water cannons, tear gas, and rubber bullets. The size of the protesters decreased slightly from the previous day, but the’citizen disobedience movement’ continues in hospitals, schools, and government offices.

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