Listed on the 18th, SK Bioscience… Will group resignation be reenacted?

As SK Bioscience finished its subscription to public offerings on the 10th and is about to be listed on the KOSPI on the 18th, concerns are raised that employees may leave one after another in order to realize a profit of hundreds of millions of won, like when it was listed on SK Biopharm last year.

An official of SK Bioscience said, “Of the total public offering stocks of 22.95 million stocks, 20% of 4.59 million shares are provided to employees in the form of employee stock ownership. About 500 million won per person. The number of shares allocated varies depending on the number of years worked, performance, and annual year, but assuming that all stocks that can be purchased for 500 million won are bought, it is about 7700 shares per person.

On the listing date, if SK Bioscience’s stock price records a “extraordinary price” compared to the offering price, the stock price will soar to 169,000 won (the initial price is determined by double the offering price and the upper limit price). Compared to the public offering price, it means that you will get a margin of 104,000 won per share. If you calculate the average number of shares held by employees (7700 shares), you can earn more than 800 million won in market profit for the day. In a word, executives and employees will hit the stock jackpot.

In the future, the number of employees resigning to collect market profits may increase, which is expected to be a considerable burden on the management of SK Bioscience. First of all, the company expects the situation to be different from that of SK Biopharm. A company official said, “The results in the third quarter of last year alone exceeded the results of the previous year (2019).” “There will be limited number of retirees given that we can expect big earnings improvement and continued share price rise.”

In the long run, it is said that they will not choose to leave the company because it is advantageous to continue working as the stock price has a lot to rise. Last year, SK Biopharm’s stock price jumped more than four times compared to the public offering price (49,000 won) immediately after listing on July 2nd. It has exceeded 100 million won.

At that time, according to the protection deposit clause, many employees left the company because they could not sell stocks for one year after listing, but after leaving the company, they could sell them within three months. Recently, SK Biopharm’s stock price is moving at around 100,000 won, and retired employees who sold it at the 200,000 won level in the initial listing earned a profit of hundreds of millions to billions of won.

[김병호 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
