Limited to 2m dog collar… Strengthening the level of punishment for cruelty to animals


There are some rules that have changed regarding pets. New regulations have been created to prevent accidents with dogs, and the level of punishment has increased to prevent abuse and abandonment.

Reporter Lee Sang-hwa will explain.


Companion animal collar regulations have been in effect since 2008.

The maximum penalty is 100,000 won.

As for the length, there have been no regulations.

[농림축산식품부 관계자 : 2m 이상의 목줄은 돌발상황에서 반려견을 제어하기 어렵다는 의견이 지배적이었습니다. 또 목줄이 너무 길어서 걸려 넘어지거나 자전거가 피하다 넘어지거나…]

In the future, the length of the leash is limited to within 2m.

In internal common areas, such as apartment elevators, you must either hold your dog directly or grab a string at the back of the neck to prevent movement.

The safety management obligation has been further strengthened.

The maximum penalty is 500,000 won for violations from February of next year with a one-year grace period.

Dogs such as American Pit Bull Terriers and Rottweilers must have liability insurance.

This insurance covers up to 80 million won if you die of a blind dog or have a disability.

It will take effect right away from this Friday.

The premium is around 15,000 won per month.

If you have a blind dog and you don’t have insurance, the fine is 3 million won.

When you go out, you must attach a dog tag showing your contact information to the animal.

To quickly find the lost animal.

Violation is a fine of less than 500,000 won.

The level of animal cruelty punishment is higher.

In the event of abandoning an animal, it is not limited to fines for negligence, but criminal punishment.

In the case of cruelty to animals to die, the punishment has been increased from two years to three years in prison.

(Video graphic: Youngjoo Han)
