Lim Jong-seok criticizes the intention of “Audit General’s apparent political act”

Former Blue House Secretary Lim Jong-seok strongly criticized the auditing agency’s post-nuclear policy audit as a political act. On the 14th, Jeon Lim said, “The auditor is clearly politicing,” saying, “It would be better to participate in the assembly like Jeon Kwang-hoon,” for the auditor’s recent audit of the Moon Jae-in administration’s 8th basic power supply and demand plan establishment process “Honest attitude” he criticized.

It is reported that the Board of Audit and Inspection has initiated an inspection of the illegality of the current regime’s policy-making process before leaving nuclear power plants from the 11th. The aim is to determine whether it is legal to establish a basic plan for power supply and demand that is contrary to the basic energy plan established by the former regime. If the auditor decides that there was illegality, it is expected that the grounds for companies that have been damaged by the policy will file a lawsuit against the government. Regarding this, the auditor explained, “This audit is not an audit of the policy of post-nuclear power plants, but an audit of the procedures for establishing the basic energy plan and the basic power supply and demand plan, which are part of the contents requested by the public interest audit.”

Lim argued that the cause was excessive demand measurement in the former regime’s basic plan.

He said, “The original plan estimated the economic growth rate in 2020 to be 3.5%, etc., and over-measured demand,” he said. “Even if the growth rate is adjusted to 2.5%, electricity equivalent to eight nuclear power plants is overestimated. I went into work on the back,” he explained. He added, “If there is a need for audit, it will be an overestimated 7th supply and demand plan, illegal and illegal extension of the life of the Wolseong Unit 1,” he added.

Meanwhile, it was argued that the Democratic Party should form a joint investigation team in which the ruling party and the private sector participated, saying that the results of its own investigation of Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power could not be trusted. On the day, Democratic Party representative Lee Yong-bin said, “I propose to form a private joint investigation team between the ruling and the opposition parties to protect the safety of the people.” The Democratic Party, which has been on the defensive from the Board of Audit and Inspection over the Wolseong nuclear power plant issue, has turned to offensive with the detection of tritium. Previously, Democratic Party representative Lee Nak-yeon also said, “It is difficult to understand the result of not confirming the leak after having been grateful for the Wolseong nuclear power plant for more than a year.” It must be revealed.”

Rep. Lee Chul-gyu, Kim Seok-ki, and Kim Young-sik of the People’s Power visited the headquarters of the Wolseong Nuclear Power Plant on this day to conduct verification. Rep. Lee Cheol-gyu, a secretary of the People’s Power of the Small and Medium Venture Business Committee of the National Assembly, said, “Even though the KHNP and the Nuclear Safety Committee confirmed that the leachate was properly managed over the controversy over the tritium leak at the Wolseong nuclear power plant, the ruling party was “We are spreading ghost stories for the purpose of the nuclear power plant,” he emphasized, saying, “Even through a state affairs investigation, the truth should be revealed in front of the people.”

[문재용 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
