“LH speculative loans look for blind spots”… The legislation to eradicate speculation

Input 2021-03-12 08:44 | Revision 2021-03-12 12:40

The government decided to investigate whether there were any blind spots in the large-scale collective lending process of a specific bank branch in connection with the suspicion of land speculation in the third new city by employees of the Korea Land and Housing Corporation (LH). Regarding LH, it predicted a change in the level of phantom metamorphosis, but the position is that the housing supply function should still be carried out. Regarding public-led development, it is interpreted as considering the fact that there is no sharp alternative other than LH as the axis of the so-called Byeon Chang-heumpyo ‘2·4 housing supply measure’, while criticizing that it is’the price of leaving fish to cats’.
In addition, the government emphasized that it will announce the location of a candidate site for the urban development project in Seoul this month and a new public housing site with 150,000 households next month as planned. They chose to break through the head-on amid the peak of distrust in the government’s real estate policy due to the LH speculation.
Deputy Prime Minister of Economy and Ministry of Strategy and Finance Hong Nam-ki said, “(LH speculative first investigation) is just the beginning. In the future, the investigation into spouse and immediate existence and existence of a spouse and immediate family members is only the beginning,” said in a speech at the 16th Real Estate Market Inspection Ministers’ Meeting held at the Seoul Government Complex on the 12th. A thorough investigation by the Joint Special Investigations Headquarters will continue on allegations of speculation under the name of the second name. “Only when the roots of real estate illegality and injustice are eradicated this time, the wounds of the people can be healed and trust can be restored. The government is determined to fight against real estate crimes.” He said, “I will put all my energy into preparing a plan to eradicate speculation.”
In relation to the speculative behavior of the public officials, the government put all the alternatives that can be reviewed on the table with a focus on four things: △precautionary measures that could not be tried △Establishment of a detection system △Measures against worker punishment △Measures for the recovery of illegal and unfair profits, and put them on the table as soon as possible. It is a policy to announce my plan. The attitude is to consult with relevant experts and civil society organizations when preparing a countermeasure.

Deputy Prime Minister Hong said, “LH needs a transformation that transforms into a circle,” and said, “We will come up with innovative measures to restore public trust and perform its natural functions, such as supplying housing.” He added, “This case was possible because there was a large-scale group loan intensively at a specific branch in the banking sector,” he said. “The Financial Supervisory Service and others asked for a thorough investigation of whether there was any illegal, unjust, or neglect in the lending process.” In addition, he urged, “To prevent speculation, strengthen penalties, and prevent recurrence, amendments to related laws such as the Conflict of Interest Prevention Act and the Public Officials Ethics Act are being discussed at the National Assembly,” and urged, “Please speed up the review to reflect the government’s position in the legislative process.” .

▲ Hong Nam-ki, Deputy Prime Minister of Economy and Minister of Strategy and Finance, attends the 16th Real Estate Market Inspection Ministers’ Meeting held at the Seoul Government Complex on the 12th with Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Byun Chang-heum. ⓒ Yonhap News

The government re-emphasized that it will implement the measures to provide housing that has already been announced. Deputy Prime Minister Hong said, “After the announcement of the 2·4 housing supply plan, the real estate market is showing signs of stabilizing little by little, such as a decline in the buying advantage index or falling below 100, and it is a pity that this LH crisis occurred.”

The government plans to select and disclose candidate sites with excellent project conditions among 25 autonomous districts in Seoul by the end of this month for the urban development project included in the 2nd and 4th measures. Deputy Prime Minister Hong said, “We will announce the location of the remaining new public housing sites with 150,000 households in the next month after a thorough verification,” and “We will proceed with the pre-subscription schedule for the 3rd new town scheduled for July, regardless of the LH investigation situation.” Said.

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