‘LH speculation suspicion’ The National Tax Service and the Financial Services Commission also join… Investigation of loan-to-name transactions

To investigate allegations of land speculation by the Korea Land and Housing Corporation and LH employees, the government established a joint special investigation headquarters with the participation of the National Tax Service and the Financial Services Commission. We have accepted the point that there are limitations to existing investigation teams that do not have the authority to investigate, but we plan to look into all borrowed transactions of employees.

First, reporter Kim Min-jung.


Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun ordered the establishment of a joint government special investigation headquarters to investigate the’LH speculation suspicion’.

They are asking the National Tax Service and the Financial Services Commission to conduct joint investigations with the National Investigation Headquarters of the National Police Agency.

The joint investigation team that does not have the right to investigate has admitted that there is a limit to the identification of illegal activities such as borrowed-name transactions.

Prime Minister Chung said, “The speculation of land that abuses national information is betrayal to the people.”

He said he would look into all the car-name transactions.

[최창원 국무조정실 1차장/정부 합동조사단장 : 의심 거래 사항에 대해선 즉시 국가수사본부에 설치 예정인 정부 합동 특별수사본부에 수사를 의뢰할 계획입니다.]

The National Investigation Headquarters of the police, which was in charge of the first large-scale investigation after its inauguration, also initiated the investigation in earnest.

After completing the investigation of the accusers and references, including the participation solidarity, the police are reviewing measures to apply the Anti-Corruption Act and the Special Public Housing Act to this case.

Head of the National Investigation Headquarters Nam Goo-jun said it was difficult to agree with the claim that the investigation should be entrusted to the prosecution.

“It is true that the prosecution served as a control tower during the 1st and 2nd new city speculation suspicion, but many of the achievements came from the police,” he stressed.

“It is speculation, but I will not be punished,” he expressed his confidence.

It is predicted that this investigation will be a test bench where the police’s self-investigation capabilities will be evaluated after the adjustment of the investigative powers of the prosecutors.

(Video coverage: Choi Woong Choi, video editing: Seunghee Lee)

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