‘LH speculation suspicion’ Noodles, not the prosecution, is the control tower… First test bench

The National Police Agency’s National Investigation Headquarters (Guksubon) has decided to focus its investigation capabilities on alleged speculation in the third new city, including allegations of land speculation by employees of the Korea Land and Housing Corporation (LH).

Nam Gu-jun, head of the National Police Agency's National Investigation Headquarters, is presiding over a video conference at the National Police Agency's headquarters on the afternoon of the 2nd.  This is the first video conference since the inauguration of the general manager.  Photo National Police Agency

Nam Gu-jun, head of the National Police Agency’s National Investigation Headquarters, is presiding over a video conference at the National Police Agency’s headquarters on the afternoon of the 2nd. This is the first video conference since the inauguration of the general manager. Photo National Police Agency

On the 5th, the Noodles Edition announced that “LH employees are aware of the seriousness of real estate speculation, including allegations of speculation in new cities, and plan to strict response by organizing and operating a’Special Investigation Group for Real Estate Speculation Crimes’.” The Noodles Edition designated the LH speculation suspicion being investigated by the Anti-Corruption and Economic Crime Investigation Unit of the Gyeonggi Southern Police Agency as the Noodles Edition concentrated command case. The investigation will be conducted at the Gyeonggi Southern Police Agency, but the Noodles Edition will be in charge of the entire process.

Government joint investigation team missing prosecutors and auditors

The announcement of the noodles came out the day before, shortly after the government announced that it would form a joint investigation team on allegations of speculation by LH employees in the planned area of ​​the 3rd new city. The joint investigation team will be attended by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, the Ministry of Public Administration and Security, the National Police Agency, Gyeonggi-do, and Incheon City, centering on the State Affairs Control Office. The prosecution and auditor are missing. Earlier, the joint investigation headquarters of the prosecution led the investigations related to the first new city under the Roh Tae-woo administration in 1990 and the second new city under the Roh Moo-hyun administration in 2005.

The joint investigation team plans to promptly take strict measures, such as requesting an investigation to the police, and making a complaint or accusation, if any illegal acts are confirmed. Some analyzes say that the police’s investigative ability was put to the test with the prosecutors who had made their own achievements in the 1st and 2nd new town investigations were missing, and the new noodle version took the lead earlier this year.

The Special Investigation Team is headed by the head of the Noodle-Bone Investigation Bureau, including the Anti-Corruption Investigation Division, Major Crime Investigation Division, and Crime Information Division of the Bureau of Investigation, as well as the Gyeonggi Southern Office, Gyeonggi Northern Office, and Incheon Office, which have jurisdiction over the planned area of ​​the 3rd new city. It consists of criminal investigation teams, etc.

The crops are dry on the farmland located in Gwarim-dong, Siheung-si, Gyeonggi-do, bought by LH employees.  News 1

The crops are dry on the farmland located in Gwarim-dong, Siheung-si, Gyeonggi-do, bought by LH employees. News 1

“The noodles are the overall control tower”

A police official said, “The scale of alleged speculation of LH is increasing. The 3rd new town is located not only in the southern part of Gyeonggi-do, but also in Incheon and northern Gyeonggi Province,” he said. “With the guksubon serving as an overall control tower, we will look closely at the case and recruit legal review and investigation personnel.”

Investigation teams are organized in anti-corruption and economic crime investigation units of each provincial and provincial police agency under the special investigation team. They decided to strengthen the crackdown on real estate speculation, such as illegal acquisition of real estate, such as illegal transactions, organized and commercialized, and illegal acquisition of real estate such as the use of inside information by public officials, name trust and farmland law violations.

Noodles said, “In the future, we will reinforce the espionage collection centering on the planned site of the 3rd new city.” In addition, the government joint investigation team allocates the case to a dedicated investigation team of the competent city and provincial police offices to promptly investigate real estate speculation crimes, strictly cracking down on real estate speculation. We will do it.”

Meanwhile, President Moon Jae-in ordered a thorough investigation of all Blue House employees and their families on the same day regarding allegations of speculation by LH employees. This is the third order following the order of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and related public institutions such as LH on the 3rd and 4th to conduct a thorough survey on workers and families in departments related to new housing development, and the next day, the desired level of survey and system improvement measures.

Reporter Moon-hee Wi [email protected]
