‘LH land speculation suspicion’ eventually became a special prosecutor… The police say’embarrassing/complaining’

The ruling and opposition parties also agree on a full investigation of members of the National Assembly The method is negotiable


In the end, a special prosecutor was in charge of the investigation of the alleged land speculation by LH employees and public officials. The power of the people, the first opposition party, accepted the special prosecution proposed by the ruling Democratic Party. In less than a week since the launch of the 770-person government joint special investigative headquarters, which was organized around the police national investigation headquarters, a special prosecutor with a high possibility of being operated mainly by the prosecution is being promoted. For the first time, the special edition is scheduled to continue its investigation until the launch of the special prosecutor’s office.

This is reporter Yuhan-wool.


The people’s power has decided to accept the LH special prosecutor proposed by the Democratic Party.

[주호영/국민의힘 원내대표 : 3월 회기 중에 LH 특검법안이 본회의에서 즉시 처리될 수 있도록 특검법 공동 발의에 민주당은 즉각 협조하기 바랍니다.]

The Democratic Party expressed its welcome.

[김태년/더불어민주당 원내대표 : 이번 기회에 아예 공직자의 불법 투기에 대해서는 발본색원을 해야 된다고 하는 그런 방향이 있기 때문에…]

Park Tae-nyeon Kim said there was no sanctuary in the investigation.

Cheong Wa Dae employees could also be included in the investigation.

For the time being, the joint government special investigation headquarters will also continue to investigate.

It takes about a month to pass the special prosecution bill and set up an investigation team.

However, with the by-election of the mayors of Seoul and Busan ahead, there are concerns that the opposition parties may focus solely on political battles rather than seeking out suspicions.

The ruling and opposition parties also virtually agreed to conduct a thorough investigation of 300 members of the National Assembly.

There are various opinions on whether to conduct an investigation at the level of the National Assembly or to request an audit from the Board of Audit and Inspection, and further discussions are required.

The opposition party’s counter-proposed state affairs investigation was also decided to begin discussing.

In the midst of this, the National Assembly was accused of the LH crisis.

[오기형/더불어민주당 의원 (국회 정무위) : 상당히 많은 인력을 투입해서 조사했는데 결과가 용두사미 아니냐 이 정도 발표하려고 그랬느냐, 이런 이야기를 따갑게 하십니다.]

[윤재옥/국민의힘 의원 (국회 정무위) : 맹탕조사, 셀프조사라는 비난을 지금 받고 있잖아요. (합조단이) 그냥 할 수 없는 일에 발벗고 나선 거예요. 수영 못 하는 사람이 물에 뛰어든 것이나 마찬가지예요.]

Goo Yoon-cheol, head of the State Affairs Coordination Office, who attended the National Assembly, admitted that there are limits to finding speculation using a new name.
