“LH employees bought 10 billion land before being selected as a new city”

Suspicions have been raised that there are people who have speculated about 10 billion won in land in the Gwangmyeong and Siheung areas, where the government recently announced that it will create a new city. However, many of these people were LH employees in charge of land compensation when building a new city.

First, reporter Jeon Hyeong-woo reports.


The members of the Korea Land and Housing Corporation LH employees who raised allegations of speculation by the Participation Solidarity and Minbyun.

According to the report, when some parcels were randomly selected and surveyed, 14 employees and 2 family members bought 23,000 square meters of new housing sites.

Some 4,000 square meters of parcels were acquired under a joint name by four employees.

It was found that the total purchase amount was around 10 billion won, of which close to 6 billion was borrowed from a local agricultural cooperative.

[이강훈 변호사/참여연대 민생희망본부 : 누구보다도 많은 정보를 접할 수 있는 위치에 있는 한국토지주택공사의 임직원들이 신도시 예정지의 토지 투기를 앞장서서.]

It is the area of ​​Gwarim-dong that will be included in the new city.

People presumed to be LH employees purchased the farmland around the area under a joint name.

The price of land near Guarim-dong has risen significantly in anticipation of the designation of a new city.

[시흥시 과림동 공인중개사 : 평당 150만 원에서 160만 원 선이었는데 작년 연말 들어서면서 최저가가 평당 200만 원을 찍었죠. 신도시 발표 나고는 매물도 회수될뿐더러 거래할 물건 자체가 없는 거죠.]

Most of the suspected LH employees are in their 50s or older, and it is known that a large number of employees are responsible for land compensation.

[김남근 변호사/참여연대 정책위원 : (농지를 매입하려면) 영농계획서를 내야 되는데 LH공사

직원으로서 일을 하면서 농사를 병행한다는 것은 굉장히 어려운 부분인데.]

Investments using information learned during work can result in punishment, and even if the information is not known in advance, the job relevance is large and there is a risk of conflict of interest.

Minbyun and the Participation Solidarity plan to request a public interest audit from the Audit Office.

LH said that 12 out of 14 people in question were identified as real employees, removed their jobs and initiated an investigation.
