LH employee who was disciplined for buying 15 apartments re-employed as head of the audit office of a public corporation

On the afternoon of the 9th, people are moving to the main gate of the headquarters of Korea Land and Housing Corporation (LH) in Chungmu-gong-dong, Jinju-si, Gyeongnam.  yunhap news

On the afternoon of the 9th, people are moving to the main gate of the headquarters of Korea Land and Housing Corporation (LH) in Chungmu-gong-dong, Jinju-si, Gyeongnam. yunhap news

Hwang Bo Seung-hee, Representative of the People's Power

Hwang Bo Seung-hee, Representative of the People’s Power

It was confirmed that an LH employee, who had been disciplinary for buying and selling 15 apartments under the name of himself and his family, retired as the head of the audit office of a public corporation under the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport.

According to Rep. Hwang Bo Seung-hee, a member of the People’s Power, on the 20th, Mr. A, who was an LH employee, bought LH-supplied houses in Suwon, Dongtan, Gyeongnam, Daejeon, Pohang, and Changwon from 2012 to 2017 when he was in office.

In September 2018, Mr. A resigned after being reprimanded after being caught in the LH audit office.

However, Mr. A re-employed as a public company under the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport in March 2019, the following year, and was promoted to the supervisor of the audit last year. At the time of re-employment, Mr. A did not include’reward and punishment details’ on his career certificate.

It is known that the public company had no knowledge of Mr. A’s disciplinary action until Hwang Bo requested data to confirm the facts. Mr. A joined as a third grade and was promoted to the second grade auditor last year.

Mr. A explained to the re-employed public company that he was hiding the disciplinary facts he received from LH.

Meanwhile, the fact of the discipline of Mr. A was pointed out at the state audit in 2019 and was known through media reports. Then, as LH employees’ land dumping incident occurred recently, they began to reappear in the online community.

Rep. Hwang Bo said, “This is a case that clearly shows that the Moon Jae-in regime’s public service discipline has rotted from its roots,” he said.
