LG Twin Tower decided to accommodate most of the demands of cleaning workers occupied

The LG Group decided to accommodate most of the demands of cleaning workers that had been farming at the LG Twin Tower in Yeouido, Seoul. On the 9th, S&I, a building management subsidiary of LG, and Index INC, a building beautification company, delivered a compromise to the union on the 9th, with the main idea of ​​cleaning workers from the Public Transport Union of the National Federation of Democratic Trade Unions working until age 65 at the LG Mapo Building in Mapo, Seoul. .

Former LG Twin Tower cleaning workers belonging to the public transport union have been competing at LG Twin Tower, asking for employment succession since last month, when they were unable to work due to the termination of the contract between S&I and Index INC.

At the first mediation meeting on the 5th of last month, S&I and Index INC proposed to allow former LG Twin Tower cleaners to work in other workplaces. In response, the union confronted with saying, “I will work at the LG Twin Tower because working scattered across different workplaces can cause the union to break down and commuting is difficult.”

The LG Group proposed the LG Mapo Building, which is 3 km away from the LG Twin Tower, as an alternative.

If the union accepts the new proposal, cleaning workers aged 65 and over will be able to extend their contract every year and continue working. Until now, Index INC has limited the working age to 65. From the age of 60, the retirement age, the contract was signed on a yearly basis, taking into account health conditions.

Reporter Lee Soo-bin [email protected]

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