LG Electronics unveiled’LG Data Portal’… Digital conversion speed

Employees are using the'LG Data Portal System'.  (Photo = LG Electronics)
Employees are using the’LG Data Portal System’. (Photo = LG Electronics)

LG Electronics is speeding up digital transformation by releasing the’LG Data Portal’.

According to LG Electronics on the 14th, anyone who is not a data analysis expert can analyze a large amount of data with a few clicks using various functions provided by the portal.

In a situation where the importance of data analysis is increasing day by day, LG Electronics has built an in-house system to create new customer value by using the data accumulated so far.

To build the system, three organizations joined forces, including the CFO division’s work innovation manager, the CSO division’s DX strategy manager, and the CTO division’s service platform manager.

The self-service business intelligence function provided by the LG data portal analyzes a large amount of data to derive meaningful and efficient information. Employees can use the accumulated data uploaded to the portal site to obtain visualized analysis results such as charts and graphs.

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LG Electronics expects that the data portal will not only improve work efficiency by drastically reducing the time that employees spend on data analysis, but also create new customer value by finding customer needs that have not been discovered before and accelerate digital transformation.

Jo Joo-wan, vice president of LG Electronics’ CSO (Chief Strategy Officer), said, “By accelerating the digital transformation, we will innovate customer values ​​and improve the way we work, contributing to strengthening our future business competitiveness.”
