‘Let’s strengthen cooperation’ Xi Jinping-Kim Jong-un exchange of letters… Show off the North-Central Moon

Kim Jong-un spoken verbally to 習, “to cope with the challenge of hostile forces”

He also sent a letter “I will hold hands with comrades in North Korea under the new situation”

Kim Jong-un (left) North Korean State Council Chairman and Chinese President Xi Jinping./Yonhap News

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un sent an oral letter to Chinese President Xi Jinping, emphasizing the will to develop North Korea-China relations, defining the United States as hostile forces. It is interpreted that North Korea has expressed support for China over the conflict between the United States and China at the high-level meeting in Alaska held on the 18th.

On the 23rd, the Chosun Central News Agency said, “Comrade Kim Jong-un sent an oral letter to Comrade Shim Geun-pyeong, President of the People’s Republic of China, to the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.” It is in accordance with the demands of the times to strengthen strategic communication between the two.”

The news agency reported that Chairman Kim Jong-un had made “debate on policy positions related to strengthening national defense power, North-South relations, and US (North Korea) relations” through a personal letter. “We will strengthen it,” he added.

He said, “(Chairman Kim Jong-un) is firmly defending socialism amid the frantic slander and pressure of hostile forces,” he said and “is achieving remarkable achievements in the struggle to build a wealthy society.” There was no mention of the date the letter was delivered or the specific route.

Earlier, China’s Xinhua News Agency reported on the 22nd that President Xi sent an oral letter to Chairman Kim Jong-un that contained peace on the Korean Peninsula and the development of North Korea-China relations. In this letter, Xi said, “We want to work in partnership with North Korean comrades under a new situation,” and “We want to make the people of both countries happier and achieve new achievements in socialist projects in both countries.”

/ Reporter Jo Exchange [email protected]

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