Let’s stop a woman from eating hamburgers at KTX… “I know who my dad is”

[사진출처 = 온라인 커뮤니티 영상 화면 캡처]

picture explanation[사진출처 = 온라인 커뮤니티 영상 화면 캡처]

It is controversial that a video of a passenger who was eating after breaking the new coronavirus infection (Corona 19) quarantine rules at KTX was pouring out harsh words to other passengers protesting against him.

On the 28th of last month, an online community posted an article titled’KTX Unconceptual Hamburger Jin Sang-nyeo.’

According to the author of this article, a passenger boarding at Dongdaegu Station ate food in KTX with a mask down.

The flight attendant, who saw this, requested that the mask be worn correctly, saying, “You should not eat it here,” but the passenger did not pretend to hear it.

Then the woman made a loud phone call. On a phone call with someone, the woman said, “Whether you are on the phone or not, you close your mouth, close your ears, and you are lagging behind anything, inferior, and no worries.”

There was an announcement saying,’Customers who need a call or conversation, please use the aisle outside the room’, but the woman continued on the phone without worrying about it.

The author said, “The smell of hamburgers vibrated in a confined space, and I asked for restraint because it was unbearable, but I got angry.” “The woman (to me) said,’What do you care?’

He even added, “The woman called her dad and said she posted a picture on her Facebook saying she wasn’t leaving me alone.”

As for the reason for the video, the woman said, “I didn’t blink even with the warning of the flight attendant and let the woman sitting next to him go out, and I really hated eating hamburgers and drinks.” I thought I had to do it,” he said.

Meanwhile, KORAIL said in the video that the woman stopped eating after receiving two instructions and warnings.

[이상규 매경닷컴 기자 [email protected]]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
