“Let’s get the sale unconditionally”… Unsold quantity, record low since 2000

[이데일리 황현규 기자] The number of unsold homes nationwide reached a record low since the survey (2000). It is an analysis that the pre-sale sentiment for’bringing my house’ has not been broken.

The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport announced on the 1st that as of the end of January, the total number of unsold homes nationwide was 17,130. It is an all-time low since the start of the survey in 2000. The record low since 2000 was 17,324 households in April 2002.

At the end of January, the number of unsold homes decreased 9.9% from the previous month. Earlier, at the end of December of last year, unsold homes nationwide recorded 19,005 households.

The number of unsold homes has been decreasing since June 2019. Since it recorded 63,705 households in June 2019, it has continued to decline, falling below 20,000 households in December 2020.

(Photo = Yonhap News)

In January, unsold homes in both the metropolitan area and the provinces decreased from the previous month. In the metropolitan area, there were 1861 households, down 12.7% (270 households) from the previous month (2131 households). The number of provinces was 15,269, a decrease of 9.5% (1605 households) from the previous month (16,874 households).

After completion, which is considered a malicious unsold, the number of unsold households was 10,988, a decrease of 8.5% (1018 households) from the previous month (10, 2006).

By size, the number of medium and large-sized unsold units exceeding 85㎡ was 637 units, a decrease of 9.0% (63 units) from the previous month (700 units). Under 85㎡, there were 16,493 households, a decrease of 9.9% (1812 households) from the previous month (18,305 households).

Lee Eun-hyung, a senior researcher at the Institute for Construction Policy, analyzed that “the homeless people who have watched the rise in house prices so far are jumping into the pre-sale market with the sentiment that they must buy a house even now.” .
