“Let’s eat and be pretty”… Chinese beauty food market grows 80% faster in 4 years

Martial Arts “Korean companies, must actively attack”

Export to Korea-China (PG)
Export to Korea-China (PG)

[권도윤 제작] Photo composition/illustration

(Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Boram Yoon = As the consumption of beauty foods is increasing in China, the largest exporter of cosmetics in Korea, an analysis suggests that companies should actively target related markets.

According to a report on the’Status and Implications of the Chinese Beauty Food Market’ published on the 19th by the Shanghai Branch of the Korea International Trade Association, the beauty food market with effects such as improving skin function and preventing aging is rapidly expanding in China.

The related market size increased from 9 billion yuan (about 1.6 trillion won) in 2016 to 16.4 billion yuan (about 2.8 trillion won) last year, and is expected to grow to 23.8 billion yuan (about 4.1 trillion won) in 2023. .

By item, consumption was found to be large, mainly for functional foods for whitening, anti-aging, moisturizing, and hair loss prevention.

In particular, many (47%) of all beauty food buyers purchased whitening functional foods. This is because white skin color is recognized as a symbol of beauty in China.

The main consumers are Jiou Hou (born 1995-1999), and it was investigated that when purchasing whitening functional foods, it was important to consider whether vitamin C was included.

In the case of anti-aging functional foods, the generations of Paringhou (born in the 1980s) and Jiulinghou (born in the 1990s) played a major role in consumption. They mainly considered the composition of phytochemicals.

Moisturizing functional foods were popular regardless of age and gender, and it was found that the collagen component was the most important.

The market for functional foods for preventing hair loss is still small, but one in six Chinese people suffers from hair loss, and 41.9% of all hair loss people are young age groups aged 26 to 30, so the growth potential is very high.

Shim Jun-seok, head of the Shanghai branch of the International Trade Association, said, “Currently, there is high demand for overseas products in China, but there are not many Korean brands.”

“Beauty foods are classified as health foods, so when exporting, you must first obtain a’health food sales license’. You should be careful to strictly comply with the’People’s Republic of China Advertising Law’ when marketing locally.” .

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