Lee Young-ae donated 100 million won officially that there are no children neglected like Jeong In

Lee Young-ae, donated 100 million won in commemoration of the late Jeong In-yang
Intractable epilepsy, heart disease, bile duct obstruction, etc. delivered to pediatric patients
Constant good deeds for those suffering from Corona 19

Donation by Youngae Lee / Photo = Hankyung DB

Donation by Youngae Lee / Photo = Hankyung DB

Actor Lee Young-ae made 100 million won in honor of the late Jeong In-yang, who died from the abuse of her adoptive parents.

On the 6th, Asan Hospital in Seoul announced on the 4th that Lee Young-ae had donated 100 million won for pediatric patients and medical staff with novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19).

Lee Young-ae said, “I decided to support it with the hope that the donation will be used for children who are groaning and neglected or sick in the society’s indifference, and to support the medical staff who are struggling with Corona 19 while leaving their own safety behind. ”

According to Asan Hospital in Seoul, Lee Young-ae donated 100 million won to hospitals for severely ill patients who are in difficult circumstances in 2006, and donated a total of 350 million won to hospitals affiliated with the Asan Social Welfare Foundation.

The donation was delivered to a total of 37 patients with severe illness and multicultural families, including intractable epilepsy, heart disease, and congenital bile duct obstruction.

Lee Young-ae has been doing good by donating 50 million won to the Daegu area, which was suffering from Corona 19 in February last year, 100 million won to Severance Hospital in 2018, and 100 million won to Pohang and Iran in Gyeongbuk, which suffered from the earthquake in 2017. In particular, on the 5th, they visited the graveyard of Jeong In-yang, located in Yangpyeong, Gyeonggi-do, and celebrated with their children.

At the time, Lee Young-ae’s agency Good People said, “I was sorry to hear about the case of Jung In-yang, but I visited the cemetery in person and remembered it. The manager did not even accompany me, and I quietly visited with my family.”

Jang Ji-min, guest reporter at Hankyung.com [email protected]

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