Lee Soo-min’s daughter, Lee Soo-min, the secret to losing 40kg is “Binge eating in the morning” – SPOTVNEWS

▲ Lee Soo-min, daughter Lee Yong-sik. SourceㅣLee Sumin YouTube

[스포티비뉴스=강효진 기자] Lee Soo-min, daughter of comedian Lee Yong-sik, revealed the secret to losing 40kg through YouTube.

Lee Soo-min is releasing various contents through his personal YouTube Apo TV. In June of last year, he revealed his own maintenance secret through a video titled’A day of maintenance for 5 years after losing 40kg’.

Lee Soo-min said through a video that he had breakfast with salad and fruit, and said, “Binking everything you want to eat in the morning is also the secret to diet, and it is also the secret to maintaining well after losing 40 kg of weight.”

“I don’t eat late at night, wait for breakfast, and then eat chicken. Then I don’t seem to gain weight,” he explained, explaining the secret of his maintenance.

He said, “When I see the stairs, I go up the stairs. I think the lifestyle movement is the most important,” he said. “When I lost weight, I exercised for 2 hours each.”

Meanwhile, Lee Soo-min appeared on JTBC’s’I can’t be No. 1’broadcast on the 10th, attracting attention as a love line with Kim Dong-young, the son of Kim Hak-rae and Kim Mi-sook. In addition, attention is focused on the current status and beauty that is maintaining and losing 40kg.

In response to this, Lee Soo-min said in a phone call with Spotavi News on the morning of the 11th, “The reaction is hot around. A message comes from capture. Son Ye-jin and Hyun-bin have beaten the couple with a search term. There is still no sense of reality. There is no real sense of this. I couldn’t even imagine it,” he said, expressing his appreciation and excitement.

In addition, regarding the possibility of developing a relationship with Kim Dong-young, he replied, “I exchanged my contact information for the help of YouTube. But I haven’t met him for the first time and I don’t know anything. Of course I don’t know about people.”

Sportiv News = Reporter Kang Hyo-jin [email protected]

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