Lee Soo-jin “A 27-year-old model boyfriend confesses,’There is a romance for a middle-aged woman'”[이수진채널]

Dentist Lee Soo-jin’s Instagram capture © News1

Dentist and YouTuber Lee Soo-jin recalled a love story with a 27-year-old younger man, referring to his thoughts on remarrying.

Lee Soo-jin recently posted on her YouTube channel’Another 27 years younger… ‘The video was posted.

In the video that day, Lee Soo-jin continued to broadcast to communicate with subscribers.

First of all, Lee Soo-jin said, “I still have a heartache,” about her younger boyfriend, who said she had parted with her daughter’s opposite, and said, “Some time ago, (Idol) NCT Deokjil (the act of digging into the part of her child) (member) Jaehyun When I saw this cooking, I posted on social media that I looked like a lot, but there was a call to a younger man who broke up,” he said, “I was surprised.”

Next, Lee Soo-jin said about the breakup with a younger man, “If my parents say,’Even if there is dirt in my eyes, it is not possible’, it would hurt my heart. How would you feel if you said, “You can’t go in this.”

Dentist Lee Soo-jin’s Instagram capture © News1

Lee Soo-jin said, “He (younger-boy) told me to keep getting married. I even got a proposal ring. I tried to return the proposal ring because I finally broke up, but I still have it,” he said. “The friend said,’I am more successful, so I will come to marry you.'” Said.

At this time, a subscriber asked, “What did my ex-boyfriend say that he was successful and returning?” He said, “At that time, I got a job and became a member of society, but my original job was a model.” I hated it. It seems that there are no parents who are children,” he recalled.

In addition, Lee Soo-jin said, “I made an operation with a sports teacher (acquaintance) one day.’When my daughter turns 22, she will fall in love and she will be the age to know what love is.’ Also,’Love that transcends borders and ages “The time will come when my daughter will come in contact with Iran’s feelings,” he said. “I am thinking of getting married at that time. Then I will do a live broadcast with my younger boyfriend.” (?) revealed.

In addition, Lee Soo-jin said, “It was so good when I was in a relationship with that friend, but when I talked about my marriage, it became serious. I was too scared to meet my mother together. I must have liked me.” I’ll greet you if it occurs.’

Lee Soo-jin’s channel’Another 27-year-old’ YouTube video capture © News1

Lee Soo-jin came to mind in the most memorable date with a younger man. He said, “At the time, I was 50, my boyfriend was 23, and all my friends were 23. At the end of the year, I met them for the first time because they asked me to play at the club, but I was worried that they would hate me. But they all looked at me and said,’I’m a fan. “He said.

Particularly on this day, Lee Soo-jin said, “I don’t understand why 27-year-olds don’t understand,” he said, “I didn’t understand why they like me. So when I asked,’Men in their early twenties have romance for older middle-aged women.’ “I was so surprised to get married,” he said. He added, “At first I thought I’d be in my 30s. I was too tall to look old. But I think I could break up and meet again without any bad feelings.”

Meanwhile, Lee Soo-jin is a graduate of Seoul National University’s dental school, operates a dentistry in Garosu-gil, Sinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, and is actively working as a YouTuber.

Born in 1969 and aged 52 this year, he appeared on SBS entertainment programs in 2016, such as “Bronze Dream,” and is famous for his beauty and perfect body.

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