Lee So-young, who showed the captain’s dignity over the air, “I’m glad to finish with 3R victory points”

[더스파이크=김천/서영욱 기자] Lee So-young made a big success on both sides of the karate, giving the team two points.

On the 27th, GS Caltex won a five-set match against Korea Expressway Corporation at the Gimcheon Indoor Gymnasium, adding two points and rising to second place. At the center of it was the captain Lee So-young, who played a part in attack and receive, along with Lutz, who scored 32 points. Lee So-young recorded a 47.83% attack success rate with 24 points, the second most successful after Lutz. The receive efficiency was also observed at 44.44%. Although Kang So-hui slowed down, GS Caltex was also able to maintain strength thanks to Lee So-young’s center of gravity.

After the game, Lee So-young said, “It was the last game of the third round, and I’m glad to win points. I’m glad to finish the third round,” he said.

I won this day, but there were also some regrets. GS Caltex allowed a tie for 3 consecutive pansils in the situation ahead of the 3rd set 21-18. After that, I couldn’t regain the mood and gave me 3 sets. Lee So-young said, “If we were focused, we could pass it well, but the receive shook, and the setter and attacker shook one after another.” That part needs to be supplemented.”

There was also a part where it was difficult to maintain the flow from the standpoint of the attacker on this day. He started as Ahn Hye-jin, but there were times when it changed to Lee Won-jung, and the pass was slightly shaken, such as sticking and falling off the net. Regarding this, Lee So-young said, “The ball may or may not come up well. Once it comes out of the setter’s hand, it’s up to the attacker. Even pass misses must be dealt with. Tell them how you would like them to come after that. There is not much difficulty. I prefer the low and fast pass.”

Lee So-young also mentioned players who add strength to the warm-up zone. GS Caltex Warm-Up Zone, who always sends a passionate support with a unique tension and voice, also gave strength to the players on the court with enthusiastic support. Lee So-young said, “Let’s think of it as one inside the coat or the warm-up zone. It gives me more energy to fight in the warm-up zone and give me strength.” So thank you more,” he said, citing the driving force behind the warm up zone’s hot support.

GS Caltex, who finished the third round in second place, plays important matches in a row with the start of the fourth round. He will play the first match in the fourth round on the 30th with the second-place competitor, IBK Industrial Bank, and play the matchup, Heungkuk Life Insurance, which receives the most attention this season. Lee So-young said, “It is important to play a lot of 3 points. We are competing for second place with IBK IBK, and we need to widen the gap,” he said, referring to his determination to play the two games at the beginning of the fourth round.

“Personally, the biggest goal is to be consistent as it is now. As a team, the goal is to look at number one and pursue it,” he added, adding goals as individuals and teams this season.

Photo = Reporter Kim Cheon/Moon Bok Joo

[ⓒ 더스파이크. 무단전재-재배포 금지]
