Lee Seong-mi “If we don’t fight, the one who died should also get up” (`Hogeul sister`)

[매일경제 스타투데이 신효원 인턴기자]

Comedian Lee Seong-mi, recalling her past activities, complained that she was not treated as a woman.

On the 26th, Lee Kyung-sil’s YouTube channel’Hogeul’s sister Lee Kyung-sil’ showed’Lee Kyung-sil! Narae Park, Doyeon Jang, Jongseok Lee?? We Raised ㅣ Lee Seong-mi, Me Too A video titled “The dead must also get up”ㅣHyung-gon planted her head because of the appearance.

In the video, Lee Kyung-sil asked Lee Seong-mi, “I didn’t have a fellow female comedian at the time of the activity.

Lee Seong-mi said, “I just didn’t treat them as women,” and “Don’t you know comedian kids? I don’t think they’re women, but I think they’re colleagues.”

It wasn’t a female celebrity, it was easy to see.”

He said, “Yang-Rak Choi came in as a junior, and juniors under women came in. They are busy as they are, so I don’t think I have been treated as a woman.” Lee Kyung-sil also shared, “It seems that comedians were treated like that among comedians.”

Lee Seong-mi frankly said, “I didn’t do that. When the Me Too incident happened, the dead guy should also get up if we did Me Too,” he said honestly and destroyed the surroundings.

Meanwhile, the Me Too movement is a campaign to inform the social network service (SNS) of the victims of sexual crimes and to inform the seriousness of the crime.It started with the proposal of actress Alisa Milano in October 2017 and spread to the world.

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PhotoㅣScreen capture of YouTube’Hogeul Sister Lee Kyung-sil’

[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
