Lee Sang-jik’s nephew “I just did what I told you to do”… Claiming resentment

On November 27 of last year, an independent lawmaker Lee Sang-jik entered the Jeonju District Court in Jeonbuk.  yunhap news

On November 27 of last year, an independent lawmaker Lee Sang-jik entered the Jeonju District Court in Jeonbuk. yunhap news

Mr. A, 42, an executive in charge of finance at Eastar Jet, who is being tried on charges of embezzlement and dismissal, argued that it was unfair by mentioning’uppered’ in the trial. Mr. A is the nephew of an independent lawmaker Lee Sang-jik.

At the first trial against Mr. A, held at the hearing of the 11th Criminal Division of the Jeonju District Law on the 10th (presiding judge Kang Dong-won), Mr. A’s lawyer said, “The defendant only admits charges against 4 out of 9 prosecutions filed by the prosecution.” He said, “The rest of the list of evidences by the prosecution has not yet been read, so I will disclose it later.”

He said, “The defendant, as a practitioner of Eastar Jet, was very unhappy with the matters related to the bad debts, just doing what was told (above).”

In particular, the lawyer argued that Lee was the leading offender based on the prosecution’s prosecution, and emphasized that Mr. A was in an unfair position. Lee has not yet been prosecuted.

The lawyer explained, “Looking at the prosecution, Lee took the lead in the crime, and it is said that Lee gained economic gains from this,” and said, “The situation is that Lee, who is at the top of the investigation, has not even been prosecuted.”

In response, the prosecution said, “Because the investigation of the accomplices has been completed to some extent, we plan to merge (case).”

The next trial will take place on April 9.

In December 2015, Mr. A was charged with selling about 5.2 million shares (approximately 54 billion won) of Eastar Jet shares (approximately 54 billion won) held by Eastar Jet Group affiliates to a specific affiliate for 10 billion won, causing damages of about 43 billion won to the company . In 2016-2019, there is also a charge of inflicting about 6 billion won in damages by arbitrarily raising or lowering the value of the bonds of Eastar Jet Group affiliates and repaying their debts early.

In addition, the prosecution suspects that Mr. A randomly used about 3.8 billion won of Eastar Jet’s affiliates from 2015 to 2019.

Reporter Oh Won-seok [email protected]
