Lee Nalchi “Proposal for election song from both camps for’Criminal Coming Down’” (‘Hurricane Radio’)

[매일경제 스타투데이 진향희 기자]

Joseon hipster Lee Nal-chi said that he received an offer for election.

On the 15th, he appeared on TBS FM’Choi Il-gu’s Hurricane Radio’ and showed K-excitement with the first song,’Bumoon Coming Down’, which caused the craze for ‘1 criminal per day’. The listeners’ reaction was also hot on the live stage, which was indistinguishable from the sound source. The number of simultaneous users of the visible radio YouTube explosively increased, proving the soaring popularity of this day.

On this day, the live of the new song’Honey Nari’ continued. ‘Yeonari’ is a song about growing up as a piece of Sugungga and asking his wife before leaving the house. Many listeners were enthusiastic about the rich sound of the four singers, bass and drums.

Regarding the name of the team’Inalchi’, “The name of one of the best in the late Joseon was Inalchi. He was originally a rope clown, but he got his name because he was on a rope like a flying fish. I thought it suited us well because of the liveliness given by the name.”

In particular, Lee Nal-chi received an offer to send the election as “The criminal is coming down.” Requests from both camps came in, and I was sweaty.”

When asked if there is a common disagreement, “I think there will be, but there is no. We are also curious.” He boasted of his extraordinary teamwork.

“I wanted to make a song that all men and women of all ages want to play together. I started thinking that we are a team that does popular music, and I got a lot of love.”

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[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
