Lee Nak-yeon’The Lee Myung-bak government’s NIS inspection, a serious crime that is difficult to cover up’

“Promote implementation of compulsory education for age 5 in 2025”

Lee Nak-yeon, representative of the Democratic Party, is reviewing the data at the Supreme Council meeting held at the National Assembly in Yeouido, Seoul on the morning of the 15th. /yunhap news

Lee Nak-yeon, head of the Democratic Party, said on the suspicion of inspecting personnel from various fields during the Lee Myung-bak administration during the Lee Myung-bak administration as “a serious crime that cannot be covered up even long ago.

Representative Lee said at the Democratic Party’s Supreme Council meeting held at the National Assembly that day, “It was revealed that there are data on the trends of 1,000 people, including all 18 members of the Lee Myung-bak administration, legal professionals, journalists, and civil society personnel in 2009 It is shocking because it contains even personal life such as spending of money.

He also refuted the opposition’s claim that the allegations of the NIS inspectors were a political offensive. “Even if large-scale illegal inspections are revealed, the election is imminent, so if it is to cover up, I would like to ask whether the opposition’s attitude is an election-conscious political offensive.” He pointed out that you must tell the truth.

It also revealed a policy to provide compulsory education for the age of five. He said, “38 countries around the world are implementing compulsory education for age 5 years old. We should prepare to conduct compulsory education for age 5 in 2025,” he said. “Finally, free high school education will be implemented from March 1st. After the free high school education, it will be compulsory education for the age of 5 so that children will not start elementary school with educational inequality from before school.”

/ Reporter Park Jin-yong [email protected]

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