Lee Nak-yeon, Park Geun-hye · Lee Myung-bak’pardon card’… A flurry of politics

Democratic Party leader Nak-yeon Lee said,’I will propose pardons from former presidents Park Geun-hye and Lee Myung-bak.’ The Blue House has a principled position that it is an issue to be discussed after receiving the proposal, and internal reactions from the ruling party as well as the people were mixed.

This is Jeon Byeongnam reporter.


Democratic Party representative Lee Nak-yeon raised the pardon for former Presidents Park Geun-hye and Lee Myung-bak, and the cause that was put forward is’public integration’.

As the social divisions divided into camps have become endlessly serious, it is now necessary to solve this problem before the Moon Jae-in administration ends for unity.

[이낙연/민주당 대표 : (사면을) 적절한 시기에 대통령님께 건의 드릴 생각입니다.]

However, I didn’t talk about when the right time was right.

An official at the Blue House mentioned only the principled position, “You have to make a suggestion to discuss.”

The internal reactions of both parties were mixed.

The Democratic Party criticized Rep. Sang-ho Woo, who declared a run for the mayor of Seoul, saying, “It is possible to admit that the impeachment is wrong. It is not appropriate in terms of time and content.”

In the power of the people, pro-I and pro-Pacific were welcomed, but at the party level,

[김종인/국민의힘 비상대책위원장 : 지금까지 전혀 얘기 들어본 적이 없어요. ]

National Assembly Representative Ahn Chul-soo raised the day asking if it was for election purposes.

[안철수/국민의당 대표 : 사면을 선거에 이용하려는 시도가 있다면, 그것은 용납할 수 없는 일입니다. ]

Representative Lee Nak-yeon’s amnesty is seen as a political victory for national unity. If negative public opinion does not change and the president’s decision cannot be drawn out, it could be seriously politically damaged.
