Lee Nak-yeon and Lee Jae-myeong, who are amazed at the discord, “It seems that the largest separation operation on the ground has begun.”

Gyeonggi Gyeonggi Governor Lee Jae-myeong (photo) raised his voice, saying, “It seems that the largest separation operation on earth has begun.”

On the 11th, Governor Lee refuted on SNS, “There are overflowing unfounded myths and fake news that suddenly instigate the conflict within the Democratic Party,” and “A real Democrat who prioritizes the public interest over private desires will not lose the spirit of the original team.” He said, “People who indulge comrades with false facts and cause internal conflicts through abusive language and slander are likely to be ganja who infiltrated their hearts for seizures.” Governor Lee said, “It is a felony crime that destroys democracy by causing political rifts and conflicts with fake news, and blurring the judgment of the sovereign as the media agency is not the party’s party information, but it is impossible to recover.” We must prevent recurrence with compensation,” he strongly criticized. From the 9th, when former Democratic Party leader Lee Nak-yeon, a rival of the governor, resigned as the representative, reports have continued that the two leading candidates are in conflict. On the 9th, the Party Committee argued between the two sides of Goseong, or that Governor Lee left the Democratic Party and the presidential election would take place in a multilateral structure. Regarding this, Governor Lee criticized that “the red tape is as serious enemy of democracy and the state as the absurdity of public office.

Gyeonggi-do Central Cooperation Headquarters Head of Gyeonggi-do Central Cooperation Headquarters said, “I testify that there was no conflict or goseong, etc., through personal SNS. I did,” he refuted.

[문재용 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]
