Lee Nak-yeon 尹impeachment prudence, Kim Doo-gwan “What headwind? It’s easy”

Together with the Democratic Party leader Kim Tae-yeon, everyone is speaking at the in-hospital countermeasures meeting held at the National Assembly in Yeouido, Seoul on the morning of the 29th.  Reporter Oh Jong-taek

Together with the Democratic Party leader Kim Tae-yeon, everyone is speaking at the in-hospital countermeasures meeting held at the National Assembly in Yeouido, Seoul on the morning of the 29th. Reporter Oh Jong-taek

In addition, on the 29th, the Democratic Party aimed at the power of the people who announced a legal response to the recommendation of a candidate for the head of the High-ranking Officials Crime Investigation Department (KPA), “Dang Lang Geo-cheol, who is against the trend of the times, does not count on his own strength, and recklessly rushes to the strong.) I hope you do not commit the right of wrong.

Democratic Party leader Kim Tae-yeon said in this manner at the in-hospital countermeasure meeting, saying, “It is the behavior of only making tricks to hinder the launch until the end.” He added, “The reform is delayed due to the opposition party’s unsuccessful conquest, and the war against state administration is exceeding the degree.”

“The reform of the prosecution is a people’s order,” said Won Nae Kim. “The Democratic Party will continue to promote the launch of the airlift in January next year,” he said.

與, continue to argue over’Suk-yeol Yoon’s impeachment theory’

Meanwhile, the controversy over the promotion of the impeachment of Yoon Seok-yeol continued on this day. Party leadership and senior lawmakers, including CEO Nak-yeon Lee, were cautious about promoting the impeachment. As a result, hard-line lawmakers such as Rep. Kim Doo-gwan, who took the lead in the allegation of impeachment, expressed strong dissatisfaction with “easy thinking.”

Rep. Kim Doo-gwan said on KBS Radio’s’Kim Kyung-rae’s Strongest Preview’, “The typhoon has passed, what (impeachment) headwind?” To say that it becomes possible means to see the matter too easily.”

Rep. Kim rebelled against the leadership’s policy of reforming the prosecution system, saying, “The more difficult it is, the more confident the people can see it, but it is not possible for the people to compromise without making a difference.” He also said, “The war has begun, and I can’t agree with the talk that we only shoot one pistol.”

The voices of hard-liner lawmakers seem to be getting louder, but the party leadership is calling for a burden. For this reason, the party leadership is focusing on’prosecution reform’ rather than referring to’beating Yoon Seok-yeol’. On that day, CEO Nak-yeon Lee asked, “I hope it will be a special committee for prosecution reform that should minimize confusion but clarify its intention.” “Many opinions are rushing from inside and outside the party, but I hope that the special committee for prosecution reform melts well and draws a good conclusion.

Accordingly, it is expected that there will be a controversy among members of the lawmakers about the promotion of impeachment at the general meeting of members of the National Assembly that will be held this afternoon.

Justice Minister Choo Mi-ae also helped with Congressman Kim’s allegations of impeachment. The day before, Minister Chu shared a post on his YouTube community saying,’Impeach Yun Seok-yeol, headwind does not come.’ The post shared by Minister Chu is a contribution written by Rep. Min Hyung-bae, former Blue House Social Policy Secretary, to’Omy News’. Rep. Min said in a contributing statement, “Impeachment is not a condemnation for the natural person, General Yoon,” and “impeachment is essential because the rational and efficient arrangement of the rest of the tasks is possible only when the prosecution organization, which plays a central role in the Sugu cartel, is broken. Insisted. It is analyzed that Minister Chu directly empowered the impeachment theory and threw a message of a kind to the party leadership who drew a line in the pursuit of impeachment.

Reporter Han Young-hye [email protected]
