Lee Kang-in, who used to be the best, criticizes the choice of director even in the local area

Lee Kang-in replaces'best done'... local director's choice'criticism'

[엑스포츠뉴스 김정현 인턴기자] In Spain, too, there were doubts about the replacement of Lee Kang-in.

Valencia’s Kang-in Lee selected for the Levante away game in the 27th round of La Liga in the 2020/21 season held on the 13th (Korean time).

Lee Kang-in went on to the right offensive in the 3-4-3 match, and went on to attack with Gonzalo Gedes-Kevin Gameiro.

Lee Kang-in, who started four games in a row from before the last 24th round Celtabigo, led Valencia’s attack with his brilliant decompression ability and sharp forward pass.

However, the performance of the other strikers was not good. Gameiro has been pushed out of the main striker competition by Maxime Gomez due to his poor performance throughout the season. Gedes is also a player in an ambiguous position that is difficult to see as the main player of the current team.

In particular, it was a long time since I came out with a white 3 instead of a white 4, so there were many regrets in the attack. In the last 15 rounds of Seville and home game, it was a hundred threes in two months since he wrote a hundred threes.

Lee Kang-in frequently tried forward passes in the 2nd and 3rd line, but Valencia couldn’t keep up with the flow of attacks after that.

Valencia coach Javier Gracia made his first substitution in 63 minutes after 0-1, and Lee Kang-in replaced Manu Bayeho and sat on the bench.

Despite his great performance, Lee Kang-in couldn’t hide his regret that he was replaced first, and sat down on the bench and lowered his head.

When Gracia put in Bayeho, he switched to 100-4, and Gameiro and Bayeho went on two tops, but the effect was not great.

Eldesmarque, a Spanish media outlet, told Gracia, “It was a mistake to put Moktar Diakabi in the center of the three in the hundred three. Diakabi made a mistake in the scene of the loss and in the replacement scene of Lee Kang-in in the 63rd minute.

He also criticized Lee Kang-in’s replacement. The media said,’Lee Kang-in, who was doing the best, became the first replacement target with Manu Bayeho. Gracia did not change from one hundred three to four until Alex Blanco and Patrick Coutrone came out one after another. Gracia’s choice was a mistake and it was too late.

Meanwhile, Valencia lost 0-1, and the local media had big doubts about Gracia’s sudden release with a hundred threes.

At a press conference after the game, coach Gracia said,’I don’t think the change to a hundred three is the cause of the defeat. If I hadn’t thought this was the best, I wouldn’t have made the starting list with a hundred threes. “We made a hundred three with available resources, and we fought to our best.”

[email protected] / Photo = Valencia SNS

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