‘Lee Kang-in 16 minutes’ defeated Valencia Granada 21… Stay 12th

'Lee Kang-in 16 minutes' Valencia defeats 2-1 in Granada...  Stay 12th

[엑스포츠뉴스 김희웅 인턴기자] While Lee Kang-in was substituted and played on the pitch, Valencia scored a valuable 3 points.

Valencia’s Spanish Primera Liga defeated Granada 2-1 in the 28th round at Estadio de Mestaya in Valencia, Spain, at 12:15 a.m. Korean time on the 22nd. Valencia (33 points) widened the gap from the relegation right with a victory that day, and held 12th place.

Home team Valencia had a 4-4-2 formation. Gomes and Gedes took the lead. The midfielders consisted of Blanco, Soler, Lazic, and Bath. The four-back line was built by Gaya, Diakabi, Paulista, and Correa, and the goal was kept by the Schillers.

The away team Granada confronted it in a 4-2-3-1 formation. Even if Solda was in the forefront, Kennedy, Quina, and Vico appeared in the second line. Erera and Eteki paired up for the defensive midfielder. The defense was built by Kuni, Duarte, Sanchez, and Dias Miguel, and the goalkeeper’s gloves were all worn by Silva.

'Lee Kang-in 16 minutes' Valencia defeats 2-1 in Granada...  Stay 12th

Valencia won the victory early. In the 4th minute of the first half, Gaya changed the crossing from the left side with his right foot and broke the net. Valencia’s offensive ensued. In the 10th minute of the first half, Gaya’s cross was held by Blanco and shot with a left foot, but the goalkeeper could not be crossed.

Granada also launched a counterattack. Diaz’s shot after a free kick in the 17th minute was hit by the defender and missed the goal. In the 19th minute of the first half, Quina’s left-footed shot missed the target.

Both teams engaged in fierce battles. In the 21st minute of the first half, Valencia’s shots were blocked by Gedes and Lazic from the box. Both teams were active, but they were disappointed in the finish, and the first half ended with Valencia’s 1-0 lead.

'Lee Kang-in 16 minutes' Valencia defeats 2-1 in Granada...  Stay 12th

Valencia took the lead in the second half. In the 20th minute of the second half, Lačić’s mid-range shot slightly missed the target. In the 21st minute of the second half, Valencia scored an extra goal. Guedes stripped off two defenders from below the half line and connected to Blanco, who was running forward. Blanco shook the net with a left-footed shot as soon as he entered the box.

Valencia took out Blanco in the 34th minute of the second half and put in Lee Kang-in. In the 38th minute of the second half, Gomes beat the keeper to shoot, but the Granada defender jumped over the rolling ball and cleared it. Granada, who had no luck in the goal, caught up with one goal. In the 45th minute of the second half, Soldado’s left foot shot from inside the box hit the corner of the goal.

Five minutes of extra time was given, and Granada pulled the reins of the attack, but the goal was not scored.

[email protected] / Photo = EPA/Yonhap News

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