Lee Jung-soo, celebrity inter-floor noise issue in the past post topic Interfloor noise problem → Apple

[마이데일리 = 허설희 기자] Recently, the family of celebrities such as Lee Hwi-jae and Ahn Sang-tae caused controversy over the inter-floor noise issue, and comedian Lee Jung-soo’s suspicion of inter-floor noise rose to the surface.

Recently, an article titled’The Legendary Celebrity of the Floor Noise’ was posted on the online community bulletin board. This article contains a capture of a post written by Lee Jeong-soo on his blog in the past.

The post features Lee Jung-soo having a home party until dawn, with adults and children gathering together to sing and dance. Lee Jung-soo said, “Actually, while I was playing like that yesterday, the intercom came up and hit me. I was so sorry. I couldn’t stop the children from running away after a long time.”

However, after telling the story of apologizing to the residents of the lower house, Lee Jung-soo also revealed how he was getting along with the neighbors after solving the inter-floor noise damage. He wrote with a gift from a resident of the lower house, “Because I gave a beer gift on Christmas. Isn’t it difficult because of the floor noise because of us? It was a big gift to my heart because I said it was okay at the time.

Next, I uploaded a picture taken with the residents I met in the elevator and said, “It’s bread! Thank you. I’ll eat well! We’re an aunt right downstairs. I went down a few times with apple tea gifts because of the noise between floors, and I was sorry and thankful for that. I met you and said that I bought a lot today and suddenly gave me this,” he said. “Of course, I didn’t buy it from the beginning. It seems that he remained sorry to receive it. Anyway, I am at peace with the lower levels.”

Meanwhile, it is known that Lee Jung-soo moved to the first floor last year.
