Lee Jun-seok “Is Yoo Citizen’a wiretap in my ear’…?”

Ryu Si-min, Chairman of the Roh Moo-Hyun Group (left), and Lee Jun-seok, former Supreme Council Member of the Future Integration Party (predecessor of the power of the people).  yunhap news

Ryu Si-min, Chairman of the Roh Moo-Hyun Group (left), and Lee Jun-seok, former Supreme Council Member of the Future Integration Party (predecessor of the power of the people). yunhap news

Lee Jun-seok, former top committee member of the Future Integration Party (predecessor of the power of the people), responded to the’prosecution’s suspicion of tracking accounts by Roh Moo-hyun, president of the Foundation’s Roh Si-min, revealed as false, saying, “I believed it because I told you,” he raised the theory behind the Moon Jae-in regime.

On the 25th, the former Supreme Commissioner appeared on KBS Radio’Kim Kyung-Rae’s Strongest Preview’ and said, “It is not possible to appreciate (Chairman Yoo) apologizing because it was a delusion in the first place.” “It makes no sense to just go to bed and wake up and attack the prosecution after saying, “I think I’m being tracked,” and a year later, “I’m sorry, I’m not.” Previously, Chairman Yoo apologized on the 22nd, saying, “We judge that it was not true” for the’prosecutor’s suspicion of reading the Foundation’s account.’

At the same time, the former Supreme Commissioner compared Chairman Yoo’s actions to the so-called’wiretapping device broadcast accident’. In 1988, while the MBC news desk was in progress, a monster broke into the studio and shouted “I have a wiretapping device in my ear.” Such a figure was transmitted intact. It turns out that the killer was delusional and engaged in this behavior when a vibrating sound was heard due to a rupture of the eardrum.

Former Supreme Commissioner Lee said, “In order not to be accused of being’obsessed,’ Mr. Yoo must reveal where he received the information. If the information had been trusted by a smart person like Chairman Yoo, it would have been a public official or someone with considerable information. If he turns out to be a public official, this is out of control,” even the regime aimed.

He also said, “In order to start an attack on the prosecution, we made various disclosures in order to overlay a negative image.” As it turned out, he admitted that he was delusional because he apologized for the time difference.”

He said, “When Yoo, who has a lot of credibility as the chairman of the largest political foundation in Asia, claimed that there was something, many people thought that he would talk about it.” “He added.

Reporter Seok-Hyun Ko [email protected]
