Lee Joo-yeol “Bitcoin, an asset with no inherent intrinsic value…high volatility expected”

Lee Joo-yeol “Bitcoin, an asset with no inherent intrinsic value…high volatility expected”

Revision 2021.02.23 12:11Input 2021.02.23 12:11

Joo-yeol Lee

[아시아경제 김은별 기자] In relation to bitcoin, which has recently surpassed 50,000 dollars each, the Bank of Korea governor Lee Ju-yeol evaluated on the 23rd as “an asset without inherent intrinsic value.”

In a report on the 23rd of the National Assembly’s Planning and Finance Committee, Governor Lee received an inquiry from both sides and Democrats about the recent surge in bitcoin prices. “Allowance, bulk purchase, and the launch of bitcoin trading and brokerage services by some financial institutions have had a complex impact,” he said.

He added, “It is difficult to tell the level of value of Bitcoin assets, but it is an asset that has no intrinsic value,” he added. “It is expected to show high price volatility.”

Reporter Eun-Byeol Kim [email protected]
