Lee Jong-geun,’Senior Senior Citizen’ Leaving “The Era of Infidelity and Excuse for Reformation”

The prosecution flag is flying at the Supreme Prosecutors' Office in Seocho-gu, Seoul, lit on the evening of the 24th.  News 1

The prosecutor’s flag is flying at the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office in Seocho-gu, Seoul, lit up on the evening of the 24th. News 1

A prosecutor who leaves the prosecution due to retirement said, “It is an era of excess prosecution reform, in which a person who has committed an affair also makes prosecution reform as an excuse.” It can be interpreted as criticizing the prosecution reform policy promoted by the government and the passport.

On the 27th, prosecutor Lee Jong-geun (63), head of the Uijeongbu District Prosecutor’s Office of Major Economic Crimes Investigations, said, “Now the prosecution is suffering from extreme political pressure from outside and is having a difficult time,” he said.

This prosecutor said, “There are some forces that are riding on external pressure from the inside, unfortunately, like Eulsao-jeok, and although they may occupy a place like them, they will take their place as bare bodies under their feet in history. It’s so easy.”

He said, “They lied by saying,’Put meju with red beans,’ and no matter how much we confuse, most of us don’t believe it.” “We’ve been through countless numbers of people who lie like that, but we can’t fall for such absurd lies. I said.

The prosecutor said, “In the era of excess prosecution reform that even those who commit an affair make an excuse for prosecution reform. Hopefully it will not work, and we should all try to bring back a country where lies and rumors are rampant.”

He added, “Let’s make them live with excuses that they’didn’t know that Japan would be ruined,’ like the lines of actor Lee Jung-jae’s “I didn’t know that Japan would be ruined” in the movie’Assassination’.”

The prosecutor said, “Fearing the pride of our prosecutors in defending the rule of law and justice, they curse it as arrogance, force them to obey’Napoleon’ pigs, and seduce them with local interests.” If it is not lost, the prosecution will surely be evaluated again in history for its contributions to the country and society while protecting the freedom of the people and the safety of society.”

This prosecutor is a senior at the Judicial Research and Training Institute than Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-yeol. After starting his life as a prosecutor at the Busan District Prosecutor’s Office in 1995, he served as the head of the 3rd Detective Department at the Daejeon District Prosecutors’ Office, the 1st Detective Department at the Ulsan District Prosecutor’s Office, the 2nd Detective Department at the Suwon District Prosecutor’s Office, and the head of the Chungju branch office.

Reporter Jeong Hye-jeong [email protected]
