Lee Jae-yong raised in basic science… Leading the verification result of the world’s first’crystal nucleus’ generation

Professor Jeong-won Park of Seoul National University, Dr. Seongho Jeon, Erica Campus, Hanyang University, and Woncheol Lee, Erica Campus, Hanyang University [사진=삼성전자]

[아이뉴스24 장유미 기자] Samsung Electronics Vice Chairman Lee Jae-yong’s movement to foster’basic science’ is gradually bearing fruit. In particular, this time, a research team supported by Samsung will test the process of generating’crystal nuclei’ for the first time in the world, thereby laying the foundation for further enhancing the competitiveness of the original technology in the field of semiconductor materials, parts, and equipment in the future. It is attracting attention.

Samsung Electronics has succeeded in observing the world’s first nucleation process directly at the atomic level with Professor Won-cheol Lee of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Erica Campus of Hanyang University and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in the United States.29 Sun said.

The paper titled’Reversible disorder-order transitions in atomic crystal nucleation’, which contains the results of the study, suggests the principle of nucleation, a long-standing challenge in the academic world. It was recognized and published in the world-class journal’Science’ on the 28th (local time in the United States).

The process of growing gold atoms into crystal nuclei by repeating the states of amorphous and crystalline phases observed using a high-speed transmission electron microscope [사진=삼성전자]

This time, the researchers verified the process of generating crystal nuclei, the beginning of material growth, through experiments.

According to Samsung Electronics, a’nucleation’ process is essential in order for atoms to gather to form materials. However, the process of nucleation took place at a very rapid rate, and the size of the atom was also small, as small as several angstroms (1 angstrom = 1/10 billionth of a meter), making it difficult to observe directly. In addition, there are several theories explaining the process of nucleation, but there were limitations in proving through experiments.

However, the joint research team succeeded in observing the nucleation process for the first time in the world by synthesizing gold nanocrystals on a graphene film that is as thin as one atom and using a high-speed transmission electron microscope with the world’s highest performance.

An official from Samsung Electronics said, “Atoms become a randomly lumped structure (amorphous phase) and then repeat to form a structure (crystalline phase) that forms crystals through alignment.” “This time, we discovered the process of generating nuclei in a crystalline state while the atoms remain in an ordered structure.”

This is evaluated as suggesting a new theory that differs from the existing nucleation theory that atoms form crystals through regular alignment from the beginning.

The joint research team said, “In order to change the structure of matter, energy is required.”

Professor Park Jeong-won of Seoul National University explained the significance of this study, saying, “We discovered the process of making crystal nuclei and verified it through experiments to reveal the fundamental principle of the process of forming solid matter.”

Professor Won-cheol Lee of Hanyang University said, “We reproduced the very initial state of the thin film deposition process through an experiment. If this is applied, it will be able to be used to secure the original technology in the field of semiconductor materials, parts, and equipment in the future.”

Prof. Park supported the Samsung Future Technology Promotion Project and the Research Center of Basic Science Research Center, while Professor Lee conducted this research with the support of the 4th Stage Brain Korea 21 (BK21) project of the National Research Foundation of Korea.

In particular, in April of last year, Professor Park was also published in’Science’ as a result of the’Development of 3D ID Photo Shooting Technology of Nanoparticles’ conducted with the support of the Samsung Future Technology Promotion Project and the Institute of Basic Science.

Jaeyong Lee Vice Chairman of Samsung Group [사진=조성우 기자]

As such, their research achievements were mainly due to the bold investments made by Samsung Electronics to foster science and technology. This is a result of Vice Chairman Lee Jae-yong’s willingness to foster basic science, saying, “In order to develop the future industry, basic science must be strong.”

With the aim of fostering and supporting science and technology research fields that will take charge of Korea’s future, Samsung Electronics has been conducting research support public service projects with a contribution of 1.5 trillion won since 2013 through the Samsung Future Technology Promotion Project.

In the first and second half of each year, projects to be supported in the fields of basic science, materials, and ICT are selected, and through the’Designated Theme Project Competition’ held once a year, the nationally necessary future technology fields are designated to support the research.

In addition, the’Annual Forum’ where the head of the research explains the research results and major issues, and obtains new ideas through discussions with participating researchers, the’R&D exchange meeting’ to increase the industrial utilization of research results, and supports patent applications with high utilization. It also operates various programs such as’IP Mentoring’.

An official from Samsung Electronics said, “From 2013 to now, 825 billion won of research funding has been provided for 634 projects,” and “Go Together To the Future! Enabling People” under the CSR vision of cultivating Samsung’s future technology. “We are engaged in win-win activities such as business, smart factory, C Lab Outside, and win-win fund for partner companies, and social contribution activities for youth education.”

Reporter Jang Yoomi [email protected]
