Lee Jae-myung, “Democratic Party supporters overwhelming support…why am I going out”

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Lee Jae-myung, “Democratic Party supporters overwhelming support…why am I going out”

“I don’t regret it… Those who are replaced will be unfair”
Populist Criticism “The idea itself is to ignore the public”

(Gyeonggi = News 1) Reporter Jin Hyeon-kwon |
2021-02-08 19:01 sent

Gyeonggi Gyeonggi Governor Lee Jae-myeong strongly denied that “the Democratic Party supporters are overwhelmingly cheering for the party, so why go out?”

Gyeonggi Gyeonggi Governor Lee Jae-myeong strongly denied that “the Democratic Party supporters are overwhelmingly cheering for the party, so why go out?”

Governor Lee appeared on OBS on the same day and asked, “I am a member of the Democratic Party for 16 years since 2005, and why are you leaving?”

Governor Lee said, “I’m not sorry,” when asked if he was disappointed with the voice of the third candidate in the party.

He added, “The person who will be disappointed will be the one who ranks second,” he added. “The one who can be replaced will be unfair than me.”

It is presumed that the’second place’ refers to Lee Nak-yeon, the representative of the Democratic Party.

“I have never seen a poll on the 3rd candidate,” he said. “I can always win 2nd or 3rd place, but the 3rd candidate will have to beat the 2nd candidate first.

Governor Lee said, “If I make a one-time policy and dazzle the people, I will ignore the people. I will.”

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