Lee Jae-myung and Yoo Seung-min fought over President Moon’s ‘consolation of the nation

Power of the People Seung-min Yoo (pictured left), former lawmaker and Gyeonggi governor Lee Jae-myeong. Hankook Ilbo data photo

Gyeonggi Governor Lee Jae-myeong and former People’s Power Member Yoo Seung-min collided over President Moon Jae-in’s intention to review the payment of a “national consolation subsidy” to boost morale after the new coronavirus infection (Corona 19) situation ended.

Rep. Yoo said on Facebook on the 20th, “If I get out of Corona 19, I have to normalize the government’s finances that have been reinforced over the past four years. Isn’t it strange that I comfort me with the taxes I paid?” Criticized strongly. “The president is inferior to the Shin Jae-min secretary who came out of the Ministry of Finance while worrying about issuing government bonds,” he added.

In particular, Rep. Yoo said, “When Gyeonggi Governor Lee Jae-myeong paid 100,000 won each to former Gyeonggi-do citizens, I remember the comment,’Would you like to spend your own money like that?’ said.

Then the governor started. Governor Lee said on Facebook that day, “Rep. Yoo has even poured out remarks to President Moon that he is inferior to that of the Ministry of Information and Transportation,” and said, “If the opposition party incites the disaster support money as a ticketing act and sprinkles money on the Korean people, the mark is given to the primitive voter. They are blaspheming.”

Governor Lee said, “With Corona 19, the world’s major countries supported the people by enduring huge deficit fiscal expenditures of an average GDP of 13%, but we only suffered a deficit of about 3% of GDP.” Even a small increase in expenditure makes the country shudder as if it would be ruined.”

Jihyun Kim reporter

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