Lee Jae-myeong “No exceptions to the cancellation of professional license for serious offenders”

Jaemyung Lee, Gyeonggi Governor, News 1

Gyeonggi Governor Lee Jae-myeong again fired a direct shot at the Korean Medical Association (Medical Association), which took out a general strike card in response to the law to cancel the doctor’s license (amendment to the medical law).

Governor Lee said on Facebook on the 24th, “Suspension of a felony offender’s professional license should be common to all professions, and it is neither just nor fair to exclude certain professions.” .

He also wrote, “It is just and must be done to prevent the people from using the privileges they have given them to use as a means of national threat.”

Governor Lee said, “All doctors and teachers I know are conscientious and common-sense.” However, “there are few doctors who demand special exceptions for doctors in the limitation of felony offenders’ professional licenses and neglect the lives and health of the people in order to protect the rights and interests of doctors. I will,” he repeatedly criticized.

Governor Lee continued to propose to allow nurses to perform minor medical treatments in preparation for a doctor’s strike. He said, “Currently, some doctors are claiming to paralyze the quarantine administration through illegal group actions such as refusal of treatment, and there is a risk,” he said. “There is a system in case of case, that is, vaccinations or specimen collection, etc. There is a need for legislation to make this possible.” At the same time, he shared an article on Facebook of Democratic Party lawmaker Kim Nam-guk, saying, “We must actively prepare for the unsense’vaccine strike’ of the medical consultation.”

Governor Lee said on Facebook the day before, “To gain unfair profits by threatening the public with the privileges given by the Korean National Assembly, it is more than a line that should not be crossed before illegally.” “A nurse in preparation for an illegal strike by doctors ahead of vaccination The back should be allowed to do minor medical activities such as vaccinations.

The controversial amendment to the medical law contains the revocation of licenses for medical personnel sentenced to imprisonment or higher.

Lee Jong-gu reporter

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