Lee Jae-myeong Let’s go ahead… Saegyun Jeong and Jongseok Lim raise their voices


The topography of the next presidential election in the passport that used to be’Yanggang-gu Island’ is changing. As Gyeonggi Governor Lee Jae-myung and Democratic Party representative Lee Nak-yeon widen the gap in approval ratings, Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun and former Blue House Secretary Lim Jong-seok are raising their voices. It is an interpretation that it is increasing its presence as a potential presidential runner.

This is Kim So-hyun.


[이낙연/더불어민주당 대표 : (갤럽의 여론조사 보면 10%까지 떨어졌는데…) 네. 네. 겸허하게 받아들입니다.]

In the Gallup Korea poll that came out yesterday (15th), CEO Nak-yeon Lee’s approval rating was 10%, down 6%p from last month.

In two months, Lee’s approval rating, who was tied with Governor Lee Jae-myeong, was 13 percentage points behind.

When a crack broke out in Yanggang Gudo, potential presidential runners began to speak out.

The first thing that stands out is Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun.

Recently, Governor Lee Jae-myeong, who insisted on national disaster subsidies, raised his voice as a “single-celled debate” and also drew a clear line for the’profit sharing system’ launched by CEO Nak-yeon Lee.

[정세균/국무총리 (지난 14일 / TBS ‘김어준의 뉴스공장’) : 저는 그 (이익공유제란) 용어를 사용하지는 않습니다. 또 다른 갈등의 요인이 될 수 있다고 보기 때문에…국민적인 공감대가 먼저…]

National Consensus First Prime Minister Chung is an observation that if the corona situation stabilizes after the by-election, he will begin preparing for the full-scale presidential election.

Former secretary chief Lim Jong-seok, who has cherished his voice on political issues, has also changed.

“I told him to keep my house well, and then I want to occupy the home” to the Auditor General Choi Jae-hyung, who began to audit the government’s process of establishing a nuclear energy policy.

Lim told JTBC, “It is true that the worries about the role for the re-creation of the government are deepening.”

A senior member of the ruling party also said, “Isn’t there any reason for all the expressions of politicians,” suggesting that their remarks are not irrelevant to their future actions.

(Video Design: Minji Song)
