Lee Jae-myeong “I’m Hyang·So·Bugokmin”… Roh Moo-hyun Non-alcoholic marketing?

“Why am I leaving (Dangeul)?” (8th)

“There is no withdrawal in advance” (9th)

Gyeonggi Governor Lee Jae-myeong denied the rumors to withdraw from the Democratic Party. The front is an answer to a question during a press interview, and the second is an article posted on personal Facebook the next day. This governor is under intense attack from some pro-moon supporters, but why did he actively talk about the idea of ​​withdrawal without public pressure to withdraw?

Jae-myung Lee, Gyeonggi Governor. [뉴스1]

Jae-myung Lee, Gyeonggi Governor. [뉴스1]

On the surface, there is a reason for “Let’s shake off the controversy over withdrawal at the moment” (Gyeonggi Provincial Office official), but rather Some analysts say, “The fact that the opinion of the party is proactive is that he has confidence in the party leadership” (Lee Jong-hoon, political critic). This governor has always been treated as an’outsider’, but this time he expressed his request for withdrawal as “very few wishes.”

◇ Lee Jae-myeong, who fell flat on the rumors to withdraw in 2018

Governor Lee’s attitude contrasts with 2018 when he was actually under pressure to withdraw. Governor Lee, who fought vigorously with President Moon Jae-in in the course of the 2017 presidential election, has since become an achievement for supporters of pro-moons.

In particular, ahead of the 2018 June 13 local election, the so-called ‘Hyekyung-gung Kim’ Twitter controversy spread greatly. There is a suspicion that the owner of the Twitter account’@08__hkkim’, who posted the slander of President Moon Jae-in, is Lee’s wife, Kim Hye-kyung. Rep. Jeon Hae-cheol, a rival for the Gyeonggi governor’s primary contest and the key to pro-friendship, actively raised the suspicion and even filed a complaint with the Gyeonggi Election Commission.

In July of that year, Kim Jin-pyo, a member of the provincial line, who was challenging the party, was pressured to withdraw from the public. At the time, Rep. Kim discussed the Governor’s suspicion of’gangster coalescence’ at a press conference, and said, “You must decide what is right (as to whether or not to withdraw).” As pressure in the party continued, in October, Opposition lawmakers asked Governor Lee, “Have you ever been under pressure to voluntarily withdraw from the Moon Jae-in regime in the party?” To this, Governor Lee replied, “There was someone who said that.” Another opposition lawmaker said, “There is a feeling that this Governor has been under tremendous pressure,” Lee replied, “Life is free.”

On October 19, 2018, Gyeonggi Governor Lee Jae-myeong attended the Gyeonggi Province State Administration Audit of the National Assembly Administrative Safety Committee held at Gyeonggi-do Office in Suwon City, Gyeonggi Province.  On that day, when asked by opposition lawmakers, “Have you ever been invited by the Moon Jae-in government to withdraw from the party?” Governor Lee replied, “There was someone who said that.” [연합뉴스]

On October 19, 2018, Gyeonggi Governor Lee Jae-myeong attended the Gyeonggi Province State Administration Audit of the National Assembly Administrative Safety Committee held at Gyeonggi-do Office in Suwon City, Gyeonggi Province. On that day, when asked by opposition lawmakers, “Have you ever been invited by the Moon Jae-in government to withdraw from the party?” Governor Lee replied, “There was someone who said that.” [연합뉴스]

These days Governor Lee made a confession, saying, “When I was in the presidential election last year, I wasn’t cheap and there was a side that crossed the line” (October radio interview) and “I will not do anything to become someone with the Moon Jae-in government” (November Twitter).

◇’Non-mainstream’ emphasis… “Similar to Roh Moo-hyun’s case”

The fact that Governor Lee emphasized that he was’non-mainstream’ along with his post-dangulation theory gave rise to several interpretations. Governor Lee said on the 8th, in the process of denying the ruling that he was deposed, “If I dare to consider my position as a bone item, I would not be from Seonggol, Jingol, and Yukdupum, but from Hyang, So, and Bugok.” The intention is that he suffers from the evil of withdrawing due to his lowly status.

Jang Seong-cheol, director of the Sympathy and Dispute Policy Center, said this was “a subtle double stone.” “By publicly referring to the post-dang ration, it emphasizes that it is a non-mainstream, and the message is that’because I am non-mainstream, I can change the party rather’.” Political critic Park Sang-heon said that this strategy is similar to the case in which the late former President Roh Moo-hyun, who was a non-mainstream, emerged as a’new politics’ icon and was acclaimed. “Emphasis on the non-mainstream in a situation where the Moon Jae-in administration’s approval rating is low can instill the perception that’The Lee Jae-myeong administration is different from the Moon Jae-in administration’.”Said.

The element of origin, once considered a shackles, can now be his weapon. Governor Lee also said in a media interview in November last year that “non-mainstream refers to a life with more risks than opportunities.” Rather, these things seem to be a bigger asset now, and I think it is a plus factor. .

◇Lim Jong-seok, a family member who keeps hitting Lee Jae-myeong

Meanwhile, former presidential secretary Lim Jong-seok criticized Gyeonggi Governor Lee Jae-myeong, who put basic income as a key policy on the 10th. Regarding the Governor Lee’s statement on Facebook the day before that “Pope Francis supported basic income,” Jeon Lim said on Facebook that “salariouniversale in Italian, or “universal basic wage” in Korean. “This is similar to the living wage. Concept”. The living wage system is intended to guarantee workers an income level above the minimum wage, so it is wrong to interpret it as a basic income given regardless of labor. Jeon Lim said on the 8th, aiming at the Governor, “It is not only the philosophy and vision that a leader needs, but sometimes words and attitudes are much more important.”

Reporter Kim Jun-young, Intern Reporter Kim Soo-hyun [email protected]
