Lee Jae-myeong “Financial soundness neglected mass suicide” … Won Hee-ryong “Keep dignity”

Hee-ryong Won, Governor of Jeju Island.  Photo Jeju-do Council

Hee-ryong Won, Governor of Jeju Island. Photo Jeju-do Council

On the 24th, Jeju Governor Won Hee-ryong, targeting Gyeonggi Governor Lee Jae-myeong, said, “I hope to keep the dignity of a minimum.” Governor Lee criticized the comparison of mass suicide to emphasizing fiscal soundness through Facebook the previous day.

Governor Won set the day on his Facebook page, saying, “This is not a debate, but a blackmail,” about what Governor said, “This is to neglect’group suicide’.”

Governor Won agreed on the need for expanded finance, but said, “However, we must do our best to effectively spend the same money for those who really need it, and do our best to maintain sustainability.” “The basics for the people who pay taxes and future generations who will pay taxes in the future. It is a responsibility. It is necessary to plan through deep consideration and discussion about the contents and method.”

He criticized, “It is not only Deputy Prime Minister Hong Nam-ki and Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun that the opponents of the language of’group suicide’ attacked President Moon Jae-in to refute’group suicide neglect’ as a command line.”

He continued, “Just because the governor disperses 100,000 won in local currency indiscriminately as soon as he opens his mouth, it does not prevent collective suicide,” he said. “You need to apply effectively.”

“We cannot agree with the expression that low birthrate is mass suicide.” “Marriage and nonmarriage, pregnancy and childbirth are a choice and strategy for one’s life. The problem of low birthrate is a society that walks well with children already born, and of all the people. We have to start with creating a country that really supports life.”

Reporter Lee Hae-jun [email protected]
