Lee Jae-myeong 1st place confidence? Basic income hit by Nak-yeon Lee and Sae-gyun Jeong

Gyeonggi Governor Lee Jae-myeong gathered about 20 members of the opposition lawmakers at the’Gyeonggi-do Basic Housing’ discussion held at a hotel in Yeouido, Seoul on the 26th. Even though it was an online debate considering the corona situation. There were 50 co-hosts of the Democratic Party, and 43 members of the Democratic Party who posted congratulatory remarks in the materials book. Former Minister of Small and Medium Venture Business Park Young-seon and Rep. Woo Sang-ho, who are preliminary candidates for the Democratic Mayor of Seoul by-election, also attended.

This year, Governor Lee has ranked first in the approval rate of the next presidential candidate in the passport in various polls. In the polls for the next presidential elections at Gallup Korea (12-14), announced on the 15th, there was a double score gap between Governor Jae-myung Lee and 10% Nak-yeon Lee, and Governor Lee Nak-yeon.

A commemorative photo for participants of the'Gyeonggi-do Basic Housing' policy held at the Glad Hotel in Yeouido, Seoul on the morning of the 26th.  On this day, Gyeonggi Governor Lee Jae-myeong attended the debate. [사진=경기도]

A commemorative photo for participants of the’Gyeonggi-do Basic Housing’ policy held at the Glad Hotel in Yeouido, Seoul on the morning of the 26th. On this day, Gyeonggi Governor Lee Jae-myeong attended the debate. [사진=경기도]

On this day, Governor Lee introduced the basic housing policy, one of his brand’Basic Series’.
Governor Lee said, “It is the minimum role that the state should do to ensure that the public does not feel uneasy by ensuring the minimum right to live,” he said.
The basic housing that Governor opened last year is divided into’long-term rental type’, where anyone can live for 30 years or more regardless of income, and’sale type’ where the land is publicly owned and the house is sold and owned by individuals.

Along with basic housing, basic income and basic loans are the three basic series of the branch. The basic income reflected in the 100,000 won per capita payment policy for Gyeonggi-do residents refers to universal cash income that is paid individually and regularly regardless of all income or work. The basic loan is that everyone should receive a loan of up to 8 million to 10 million won at a low interest rate of 1-2% regardless of creditworthiness and the government guarantees it. Governor Lee puts up the basic series as his trademark, saying, “Economic fundamental rights will become a new standard to protect our lives” (New Year’s Address this year).

Gyeonggi Governor Lee Jae-myeong (center) is taking a commemorative photo with former Minister of Small and Medium Venture Business Park Young-seon (left) and Rep. Sang-ho Woo, who are preliminary candidates for the Democratic Party's Seoul Mayor by-election at the Gyeonggi-do Basic Housing Debate held at Glad Hotel in Yeouido, Seoul on the 26th. [국회사진기자단]

Gyeonggi Governor Lee Jae-myeong (center) is taking a commemorative photo with former Minister of Small and Medium Venture Business Park Young-seon (left) and Rep. Sang-ho Woo, who are preliminary candidates for the Democratic Party’s Seoul Mayor by-election at the Gyeonggi-do Basic Housing Debate held at Glad Hotel in Yeouido, Seoul on the 26th. [국회사진기자단]

Although the theme of the day was’housing’, the governor also opened up the debate about the’loss compensation system’ between Democratic Party President Lee Nak-yeon and Prime Minister Jeong Sye-gyun. Governor Lee, who met with reporters after the debate, said, “If the state infringes property rights, that is, imposes a ban or restriction on business, while carrying out the national task of overcoming the corona, it must be compensated. “It is necessary to match and match whether it is selected or universal.” On the other hand, regarding the payment of basic income, which both CEO Lee and Prime Minister Chung criticized, “it is close to the point that the quarantine situation will worsen because of universal support. I think,’I will miss the time while I wait.’”

On this day, Governor Lee’s unwillingness to express personal opinions on the entangled political issue is a saying in the politics that “Governor Lee has solidified the No. 1 approval rating and has taken a step forward as a presidential candidate.” Until last month, the governor was spared not only the evaluation of the contenders of the presidential power but also the major phases such as the conflict between Chu Miae and Yoon Seok-yeol.

Even after the debate on that day, Governor Lee held a luncheon with Democrats. It is an extension of extension, just like the recent opening of a policy party council with members of the Gyeonggi-do district. A Gyeonggi-do official said, “We have a lot of appointments tomorrow, such as meeting with Democratic Party lawmakers at the Governor’s mission.” The governor said, “We are holding small meetings with no more than 4 people according to the quarantine rules.”

Cin Mun-gye, a member of the metropolitan area, said, “This governor, who has a relatively wide range of luck in the three rivers, is moving smartly. “Since President Lee and Prime Minister Chung have to keep pace with the party and the government, it is easy for the staff to get tangled and lead to controversy over the leadership, but this free governor breaks through the gap well.”

Governor Lee responded to reporters’ questions on whether they were going to Yeouido on this day, “It is necessary to cooperate with the National Assembly for Gyeonggi Province. He said, “It would be nice to see it as a daily activity.”

Reporter Kim Jun-young [email protected]
