Lee Hyo-ri’s post of’The Last Day’ in 2020… Several people are ringing (professional)

Singer Lee Hyo-ri / MBC ‘2020 MBC Broadcasting Entertainment Awards’
The official Instagram of the following Finkle fan gallery

Singer Lee Hyori’s post on the last day of 2020 is making fans frown.

On the 31st, a long article was posted on Finkle’s official fan gallery Instagram. The operator said, “I will deliver the message that Hyori-nim sends to the fans.”

Lee Hyo-ri said, “It is the last day of 2020. I am worried that I may be alone somewhere like this.”

He said, “As the dawn comes only when the night is darker and deeper, I hope that the bright dawn light will come after sleeping quietly in each seat, as if we are in the middle of our deep night.”

He said, “I came to the filming site this year and gave me gifts, cakes, handwritten letters… as well as idols, so I shrugged. Thank you.”

Lee Hyo-ri said, “The heart that occupies the most part of my activities is the heart that our fans will like it,” and said, “If our fans are good, then I like them.”

He concluded the article by expressing sincerity to the fans, saying, “I will always think about wherever I am.”

MBC’What do you do when you play?’

This is the full text of Lee Hyori’s writing.

Hello Lee Hyo-ri fans

It’s the last day of 2020

I am worried that I may be alone somewhere like this.

As the dawn comes only when the night is darker and deeper, as if we are in the middle of our deep night, I hope that the bright light of dawn will come after a quiet sleep in each seat.

I shrugged for coming to the filming site this year and taking care of gifts, cakes, handwritten letters as well as idols.

Thank you

The heart that occupies the most part of my activities is the heart that our fans will like it.

Because if our fans are good, I like them.

Thank you for saying that in 20 years, Gangsan is still the best and the time it changes twice

For me, you are always the best

I will always think wherever I am

All be calm

Best wishes for a Happy New Year
