Lee Hwa-seon “Past bikini + bed scene revealed → dive after sponsor proposal” (Eat food)

Lee Hwa-seon “Past bikini + bed scene revealed → dive after sponsor proposal” (Eat food)

2020-12-29 13:16:39

[뉴스엔 서지현 기자]

Lee Hwa-sun has no choice but to leave the entertainment world

It revealed a story that did not exist.

Actress and car racer Lee Hwa-seon appeared in SBS Plus”Do you eat rice?

On this day, Lee Hwa-sun said, “People were scared. I gained popularity for a long time as an entertainment program and became an issue in the movie as well. I appeared in the film’Saek Instant Time 2′, which was exposed. I thought that I would be admitted, “I have a desire to learn,” he said.

Previously, Lee Hwa-seon surprised everyone with his unconventional actions, such as taking the role of Young Chae in the movie’Saek Instant Time 2′, which was released in 2007, by exposing the upper body and taking a bed scene.

Regarding this, Lee Hwa-sun said, “After the movie was over, there were many people looking for me. But it wasn’t looking for work, but it was a phone call saying’Let’s have a drink’ and’Let’s have a drink’. “You’re different from the character inside,” he said. “There were people who said, “Please swear once.”

Then, “acquaintances arranged such a place, and some acquaintances said,’You can spend tens of millions of won a year.'” Lee Hwa-sun said, “At that time, I thought that I was looking at me strangely, so I decided not to meet people. At that time, I was young, so I couldn’t drink a drink, but people said,’A few days ago, I drank in a club and went so drunk?’ “I haven’t been drinking since rumors that I’m drinking very well. The work only came in asking for exposure,” he said.

In the end, Lee Hwa-seon chose’diving’. Regarding this, he confessed, “At that time, I was passive. I wanted to consume it as a sexy icon (in the vicinity), so I had no courage to break through or change it”

In addition, Lee Hwa-sun said, “When I was 27 and 28 years old in my late 20s, I didn’t meet people in the entertainment side. Then, I did amateur racing, and there was an opportunity to make my debut as a professional player. The record got better and I naturally focused on motor sports. “Nobody sees me like that (as a sexy icon), and I’m passionate about it because the results come out as much as I did.”

Meanwhile, Lee Hwa-seon debuted in the 2002 drama’Always Excited.’ Following the drama’The Man in the Vineyard’,’A Thousand Kisses’ and the movie’Mr. She made her name known as an actor by appearing in’Tweak Robin’ and’After the Wedding’. Lee Hwa-sun’s latest appearance is the MBC drama’When I was the Most Beautiful’, which ended last October, and is active as a car racer at the same time as an actor. (Photo = SBS Plus’Do you eat rice-Kang Ho-dong’s rice heart’)

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