Lee Gyeong-sil “Senior’open your skirt’ is sexual harassment…

Lee Kyung-sil. (Photo = YouTube channel’Hogeul sister_Lee Kyungsil’)

[이데일리 정시내 기자] Comedian Lee Gyeong-sil mentioned the victims of sexual harassment by her seniors in the past.

On the 24th, the new video posted on Lee Kyung-sil’s YouTube channel’Hogeul Unni_Lee Kyung-sil’ shows Lee Kyung-sil talking with Choi Yang-rak.

Lee Kyung-sil said, “When I first entered the broadcasting station in 1987, from the perspective of the viewers, comedians always conveyed laughter, so I thought,’The atmosphere will be friendly’ and’People will also be very good’,” he said.

“But comedians weren’t the ones who conveyed the laughter we know. I thought,’How do those people get love from the people?’ and’Do you know the two sides of those people?’ If they were exposed at that time, they all felt bound.”

Lee Gyeong-sil said, “I have never heard of’Lee Gyeong-sil’. I called him’Hey this X-ah’. I sometimes call my name, but when I talked about something, I said,’That’s funny?’”

When Choi Yang-rak, who was listening to this, said, “I had a bad talk,” Lee Kyung-sil said, “We treated us the same as the girls we met at night.”

Lee Gyeong-sil reported that he was sexually harassed at the time of the 100th special feature of MBC’s entertainment program’Sunday Sunday Night’.

“There were times when the stage was an aluminum stage, so it looked like a mirror. Then women wearing skirts may see underwear. So I’m very careful, but one of my seniors asked me to open my skirt. He said he saw what color he was wearing.”

“It was a year or two after I entered at that time, and I asked,’Where are you going to be so ignorant, is this like a horse?’ Then they swear to me and told me to come out. In the MBC hallway, he said,’I didn’t do this, I couldn’t act like this with you.’

Lee Kyung-sil said, “At that time, there was an atmosphere of’Why women are doing so?’, but at that time, I really thought,’I shouldn’t do this,’ and’I can’t do this while receiving such treatment.’ I should have made money because I was the head of the day, but I couldn’t stand it.”
