Lee Eon-ju “Will revenge for the death of 盧”

Lee Eon-ju, a candidate for the Busan Mayor of the Power of the People, is rehearsing before the'Joint Discussion for the Candidate of the People's Power of the Busan Candidate' held at KNN Studio in Haeundae-gu, Busan on the afternoon of the 25th of last month.  News 1

Lee Eon-ju, a candidate for the Busan Mayor of the Power of the People, is rehearsing before the’Joint Discussion for the Candidate of the People’s Power of the Busan Candidate’ held at KNN Studio in Haeundae-gu, Busan on the afternoon of the 25th of last month. News 1

The power of the people, Lee Eon-ju, a preliminary candidate for the Busan Mayor’s by-election, referring to the late President Roh Moo-hyun for the prosecution reform promoted by the passport. I accused him.

Candidate Lee announced this by posting a post on his social network service (SNS) on the 4th.

Candidate Lee said, “I think the prosecution needs reform, but I objected to the president’s appointment of the head of the airlift (high-level public officials criminal investigation office).” Because it is the road to a dictatorship,” he wrote.

“I also oppose the’complete deprivation of the prosecution’s power to investigate,’ because if the prosecution’s right to investigate the prosecution is completely deprived, the prosecution will not be reformed, but the prosecution will become incapacitated, and it will lead to a ballooning effect of the thickening of the power of the police who dominated the investigation power. Emphasized.

He added, “In the end, it will only become a’top stone by subtracting the lower stone’.” “The politicization and warring of a small number of elite prosecutors were also a problem. A great tragedy could be conceived.”

Candidate Lee asked the Democratic Party with President Moon Jae-in, “What is the reason for reforming the prosecution?” He asked, “Isn’t it because of the idea that only the powerless have been scolded, depending on the political and economic power of the investigation.”

“The behavior of destroying the system itself through the wrongdoings of individual events and feelings for them is a premodern tyranny of power,” he said. “If you take perfection, you will make a big mistake of creating another monster, a bigger monster, by catching a monster. In a way, he emphasized that it is both Gukjeong Nongdan and Constitutional Nongdan.

Reporter Na Unchae [email protected]
