‘Leader stood in front of the people for 95 minutes 6 times’…Singapore’s vaccine reversal

Singapore’s Prime Minister Lee Shenlong is giving a talk explaining the process of securing the Corona 19 vaccine on the 14th. Discourse capture

‘An exemplary country of quarantine → failure to quarantine → a country with priority securing vaccines.’

Singapore’s response to the novel coronavirus infection (Corona 19) resembles the’U’-shaped economic outlook. With the arrival of the Pfizer vaccine at the end of this month and the free vaccination plan for the entire nation, it has recently emerged as a target of envy and comparison to us. The reversal of Singapore, a city-state with a population of 5.7 million, is the result of steadfast preparations for the worst and brief improvement. The leadership role was greater than anything.

Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Xianlong stood in front of the public for a total of 95 minutes six times this year to explain Corona 19. It was carried out in real time for a short 9 minutes and a long 30 minutes. Including speeches on national holidays such as Labor Day, where Corona 19 was mentioned, it was 9 times in total. Prime Minister Li Xianlong’s’corona talk’ was quite different from his political speech. There was no spectacular stage, no grand relief, no emotional material video. Wearing a shirt, I sometimes sat down, sometimes stood on the podium, and talked sincerely as if I were dealing with a colleague. The first word is always “my colleagues.”

Corona talks took place in a timely manner. In the early days of the situation (February 8), when foreign media advocated as an example of quarantine, he appealed to him, “Do not hoard and do not criticize the confirmed person.” On March 12, he asked about the case of Shincheonji in Korea, and asked him to refrain from attending religious events. In April, when the storm and the infection of migrant workers exploded after school opening, they volunteered to talk three times. On the 14th, “free vaccinations for all citizens” were declared on the 14th this month when all countries devoted their efforts to securing vaccines and news of the start of vaccination in some countries was announced.

A view of the dormitory where foreign workers in Singapore are collectively isolated. Straits Times Capture

The message was plain and honest. He admitted and corrected the government’s error and sought cooperation. On March 23, as the number of infections increased after the start of school, he announced in a talk on April 3 that “non-essential business business suspension and online class change”. As the number of infected people, centered on migrant workers, reached 10,000, after honestly reporting the seriousness of the situation on April 21, the ‘recommendation’ of wearing a mask was changed to ‘duty’ and intensive management of migrant workers began.

I talked about hope, but I didn’t exaggerate. The vaccine was secured from April when Corona 19 was the worst, but it was announced that “I tried quietly” only on the 14th of this month when all procedures were completed. The acquisition process and future procedures were also explained without addition or subtraction. While recommending vaccination, they also announced that the verification period was short. Although’regional infection = zero (0)’ for the last two weeks, the mitigation measures implemented from the 28th are so cautious that “only meetings of 8 people or less are allowed.”

Jomo, a 42-year-old resident of Singapore, said, “There is high confidence in Prime Minister Li Xianlong’s corona speech, who can explain the current situation step by step, honestly and carefully at the time when the people are curious.” Other Koreans added meaning, “The remarks of leaders and the media that reports on government policies without exaggeration also play a big part in the trust among the people of the government.”

Jakarta= Go Chan-yu Correspondent

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