‘Late Night Sindang’ Maeng Seungji “After appearing in’Jinsa’, XX female bad comments, I was afraid to meet people for 3 years”

[매일경제 스타투데이 김소연 기자]

Comedian Maeng Seung-ji talked about the controversy about the’real man’ attitude.

On the 19th, the YouTube channel Fuhaha TV’Jung Ho-geun’s Shinyashindang[EP125]※The actual situation ※What is the story of the comedian Maeng Seongji, who has not been broadcast for several years?’

On this day, Maeng Seung-ji mentioned the controversy when he appeared in the MBC entertainment program’Real Man’. Maeng Seung-ji said, “There was a situation where I was doing push-ups.

I received tutoring for the broadcast. There I learned that a woman is doing it on her knees,” he said. “I told her to do push-ups 20, but they were all looking at me. I did what I learned by saying,’I can’t do damage.’ However, people who saw me on TV for the first time swear at me as ‘XX-nyeo’. As soon as I debuted, I was cursed, so I was scared to meet people for about 3 years,” he recalled.

At the time, Maeng Seung-ji knelt to do push-ups when instructed to do push-ups, but the instructor pointed out this posture. In response, Maeng Seung-ji said, “Women do this,” but the instructor instructed him to take the posture immediately, saying, “It is not a woman, but a soldier.” However, Maeng Seung-ji did not understand the instructor’s words properly, and when this figure hit the radio wave, some evil players attacked the Maeng Seong-ji with the evil ‘XX-nyeo’.

Jeong Ho-geun said to Maeng Seung-ji, “Be careful, because you can climb into Guseolsu next year,” and cheered, “If I do my job right, there will be no problem if I endure everything and endure it and cover it.”

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