Late-night ghost talks are coming to a history of horror talk show

'Late Night Ghost Talk' poster./Photo provided by MBC

‘Late Night Ghost Talk’ poster./Photo provided by MBC

The grotesque and horror talk show MBC’Late Night Ghost Talk’, which is attracting attention with its fresh format and the strong voice of the performers, revealed the points of watching before the first broadcast today (7th).

Synergy between the strongest 3MC & entertainment world monsters

Earlier, the’Late Night Ghost Talk’ raised expectations with the joining of the three members Shin Dong-yeop, Kim Sook, and Park Na-rae. In other words, the combination of a painful national MC, Shin Dong-yeop, Kim Sook, who recently won the first terrestrial’Entertainment Awards’, and Park Na-rae, boasting an unrivaled position, are a combination of a history that has never been seen in any entertainment.

Shin Dong-yeop said, “The recording time felt really short because it was like a story being shared in private. Only now I realized the charm of the ghost story,” he said, showing that he was immersed in the ghost story during the recording. Kim Sook-eun said, “My major is not only ghost stories, but also mysteries, UFOs, aliens, and other ghost stories in various fields,” and showed off his face as a representative ghost story mania in the entertainment industry. Park Na-rae said, “I had a shaman class. In addition, he expressed strong confidence, saying, “A true horror elite who has been constantly upsetting ghost stories from childhood to the present.”

Here, actors with knowledge of ghost stories, such as the renowned ghost storyteller Emperor Emperor and ghost story collector Heo Anna, the odd historian Shim Yong-hwan, and KAIST science villain and monster doctor Kwak Jae-sik, will provide the best horror synergy by unraveling various ghost stories of all genres. .

'Late Night Ghost Talk' poster./Photo provided by MBC

‘Late Night Ghost Talk’ poster./Photo provided by MBC

‘Insanity in the eyes’ Kim Sook &’Ghost-possessed creep’ Park Na-rae

The outstanding performance of the performers at the corner where the contest was introduced directly is expected to give viewers a taste of the extreme horror that seems to stop their hearts.

Kim Sook and Park Na-rae are among the best of the terrifying horror acting that everyone in the cast said. Kim Sook’s frantic gaze and haunted Park Na-rae’s eerie acting gave viewers a sense of fear that would squeeze their breath, and the cast, who showed strong confidence in the ghost story, felt creepy the moment they saw the two’s acting, and was thinking throughout the recording. .

When Shin Dong-yeop, who was terrified, showed nervousness throughout the recording, Kim Sook, who was less than that, said, “Are you scared? If you’re so scared, you can go out now.” It is said that Emperor Je-seong, who screamed with a terrified expression, saying, “I can’t see it because I’m so scared,” in the real horror acting of Park Na-rae, was ridiculed by the performers throughout the recording.

Find the various messages contained in the ghost story

‘Late Night Ghost Talks’ is the’Korea’s first ghost story storytelling challenge program’ for a total prize of 4,444,444 won. In particular, unlike the existing cool feature, expectations were raised by saying that it would make the hearts of viewers chewy with only a’ghost story’ without any fear device.

The production crew said, “Through this viewer competition, we will show the strange stories that viewers directly experienced, the legends that come down to the region, and the horror stories that have been passed down,” and said, “The ghost story is not consumed as a stimulating material. There are attempts to find the stories and various messages of our society.”

The’Late Night Ghost Talk’ is broadcast in two parts at 10:20 pm on the 7th and 10 pm on the 9th.

Reporter Tae Yuna [email protected]

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